Page 92 of Love Signals

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Aww. That’s so sweet. Highly unlikely, but sweet. Also, even if he is in love with me, he could easily change his mind about me and realize that we’re just too different. I mean, we really are. We’re complete opposites.


Ty just woke up and told me to tell you you’re overthinking this whole thing. He also suggests you stop laying there watching H sleep because it’s creepy and he hates it when I do it.


Okay. Tell Ty thanks for the tip. The last thing I want is for H to know how creepy I am. ;)


Gotta go. We’ve got some stuff to do. Just let yourself enjoy this moment, Al. You deserve to be treated like he treats you. Because you are totally a queen.

I put my phone down and stare at Hudson for another few seconds. Just look at him, sleeping there like a hot, muscle-bound angel. So content and peaceful. And hot. He’s the world’s best distraction from my failing career. My gut twists when Frank pops back into my mind. The time away from him hasn’t helped spark any creative solutions for how to get him to separate out the fake alien signals from the real noise. I keep waiting for some inspiration, but it’s not happening and time is running out fast. Gah! I should go back to the office and get to work because spending the day relaxing and having sex with this gorgeous, gorgeous man isn’t exactly going to get me anywhere. But … sex…

His eyes flutter and before I can look away, he’s staring at me. “Were you watching me sleep?”

“Yes, but not in a stalker way. More like … just imprinting you on my memory.”

“Like a baby duck?”

“Exactly,” I tell him. “It was either stare and commit you to memory or take unauthorized photos and I thought you probably wouldn’t like the second one.”

“Yeah, that would feel creepy.” His phone chimes and he reaches over and picks it up off the night table. “That’s my brother.”

“Oh, do you want me to hide?” I ask, pulling the sheet up to my nose.

He laughs at me. “No! Of course not.” Swiping the screen, he says, “Hey, buddy.”

A man that sounds a lot like him says, “I’ve only got ten minutes before I have to be out the door, so we need to make this quick.”

“I’m fine, thanks for asking,” Hudson says. After a second, his voice goes up two octaves. “How’s my boy? How’s Oscar?”

I narrow my eyes in confusion for a second, then lean in so I can see the screen. An adorable brown mini-wiener dog is filling up the screen. He’s not looking at the screen and he doesn’t seem to be reacting to Hudson’s voice.

“Hey, Oscar! Do you want to meet Allie?” he asks, turning the phone so I’m now in view of the camera.

“Hi, Oscar. You’re so cute.” Turning to Hudson, I say, “Man, he’s cute.”

Suddenly the video goes blurry and I’m staring at Hudson’s brother. “Oh, so this is Allie!”

My face goes immediately hot with embarrassment. This is not the time to meet new people. What if I look like I smell bad? “Hi,” I say, giving him a small wave. Thank God, I’m wearing a pair of silk pajamas from the hospital haul. “Nice to meet you, Gershwyn.”

“You too,” he says. “My brother won’t shut up about you.”

Now my skin is hot with the best compliment ever. Grinning at him, I say, “Really? What’s he been saying?”

“Oh, just that you’re?—.”

“She doesn’t want to hear that,” Hudson says in an urgent tone.

I smile wider now. “Oh yes, she does. Every last word.”

“He said you’re super-hot and that he loves watching you work because you always tuck a pencil behind your ear even though you never use it, except the one time when you were writing down your lunch order, and that?—”

“Yeah, okay, that’s enough,” Hudson tells him. “She already knows the great things about Allie because she’s been living with her for years.”

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