Page 79 of Love Signals

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“Do you miss it?”

“Yes, and no. I like trying new things. I love the freedom of what I do, but I miss working with the same people every day. When you’re doing films, you get really close to the cast and crew, then a few weeks later, it’s over. It reminds me of graduating from high school over and over. You’re excited that it’s over but you’re also sad because you have to leave everyone behind.”

I nod, thinking about what Zia Fernanda said about him picking a woman on each set, then ending the relationship. Another good reason for me to not get involved. “Sounds difficult.”

“It can be, for sure. You get to see each other again on the press junket to promote the movie, but it’s not the same as sticking with a team year after year.”

“Although working with the same people has its drawbacks too. I mean… Chad?” I ask with a wry smile.

Hudson laughs, then says, “Aww, he’s not so bad. A little goofy but he means well.”

“Try being a woman who works under him.”

His phone pings and he grunts a little. “That’s a reminder from Brittany, my publicist. Would you mind doing me a giant favor and taking a picture of me driving, then posting it on Instagram? She wants one as early in the morning as possible to prove how dedicated I am to science.”


I take his phone and hold it up to his face to open it, then take a few shots of him looking absolutely delicious in a dark green fleece jacket and a white T-shirt. How? How can anyone look this good at this hour?

Opening his IG app, I select the best one, which is hard to do since they’re all pretty much perfect. “Okay, what do you want to say?”

“Out the door at 4:30 this morning to drive to the Black Creek Telescope Array. Can’t wait to get there and learn all about them. Hashtag SETI, hashtag galaxy studios, hashtag radio silence the movie.”

I quickly type what he said, then hit the post button and put his phone back on the console. “There, done.”

“Thank you. That ought to make her happy for a few hours. I’ll have to get some video and pics when we get there.”

Ooh, it’s so cozy in this seat. And so dark outside. My eyelids drift down but I snap them back open again and have a few sips of coffee.

“Feel free to have a nap, if you want.”

“No, I couldn’t possibly.”

“Can’t sleep in a car?”

“Oh, I can sleep, but then you’d see me with my mouth hanging open and drool on my chin.”

“You spent an entire day looking at me like that,” he says, smiling over at me. “When you think about it, it’s really only fair if you have a nap in front of me.”

“Okay, but only for your sake,” I tell him, snuggling into my seat. “And not because I need it.”

When I wake, it’s fully light out. And bright. I blink my eyes a few times, then realize it’s snowing. Like, really snowing. “Wow,” I say. “The forecast called for a little snow but nothing like this. This is serious.”

“Yeah, hopefully it lets up soon.”

“Good thing we’re in your big SUV and not my little car.”

Glancing at the navigation map on the dashboard, I see that we’re only a few minutes from Black Creek. “Oh my God, I slept for over four hours.”

“You must have needed it.”

“You must have been so bored,” I say, then realize how that sounds. “You know, because it’s such a thrill ride to be around me and all.”

“I know you’re joking, but you’re actually a very interesting person.”

Interesting. Blech. I don’t love that description. It’s very bland.

When I don’t say anything, he adds, “In the best way possible.”

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