Page 17 of Love Signals

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“Yup, we’re all set.”

“So, Hudson,” she says, taking my arm and walking toward the building. “We’ll stop in front of the doors, I’ll intro the segment and ask you a couple of questions, then you open the door and welcome the viewers inside to get a look for themselves. The SETI team has a few of their best geeks waiting in the lobby to greet us. We want it all to be very natural. We’ll just be a fly on the wall.”

“Great.” Not great. Not great at all. I so badly don’t want to do this.

We stop in front of the sign next to the main doors and the bright light of the camera blinds me. I smile at it while Josie, who is standing next to me, says, “Josie Pedlar, here with Hudson Finch, who is looking very dapper today, I must say. Hudson, tell the audience at home where we are.”

“We’re here in beautiful Mountain View at the SETI Research Institute, where I’ll be preparing for my most important role yet.”

“Cool,” she says. “What’s the role?”

“I’ll be playing famed astronomer Dr. David Peck Todd.”

“He can’t be that famous. I’ve never heard of him,” she says with a light laugh.

I laugh along as though that was the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.

“Tell us a little about him, Hudson.”

Shit. My mind has just gone completely blank. “Oh, I don’t want to accidentally reveal any spoilers.”

“Okay … so, what made you want to play an astronomer on the hunt for aliens?”

I narrow my eyes, going for a thoughtful look. “Well, Josie, I’ve always been fascinated with space. Ever since I was a child, and…” I glance at the sign behind her that reads: SETI Research Institute. Are We Alone? “I’ve always wanted to know the answer to one of the greatest mysteries of the universe. Are we alone?”

“No, I don’t think we are,” she says, looking confused. “I mean, we’re literally standing here with several other people, so right there you can tell we’re not alone.”

Okkaayy… I might not be the dumbest person here. “I think the question refers to whether humans are alone in the universe.”

She laughs. “Oh, that. Right. No, obviously not. There are animals all over the place.”

I open my mouth to further explain, then close it. No point.

“Speaking of animals, how’s little Oscar doing?”

“He’s great,” I tell her. “He’ll be with my brother Gersh while I’m here studying.”

“He’s the world’s most adorable little dog,” she squeals. Turning to the camera, she says, “Seriously people, if you haven’t seen Hudson’s dog, look him up right now. His little face.” Clutching her heart, she says, “Oh, he just kills me with his cuteness.” She winks at me. “Kind of like his owner.”

So, so awkward. “Ha! Why don’t we go inside and meet the team?”

I pull open the door with my free hand and step to the side to let Josie in. I follow her, knowing the crew will want the shot of me walking in from that angle. As soon as my eyes adjust to the indoor lighting, I see a group of people standing off to the left, near the reception desk.

“Hi there,” I say, offering them a wave and a big grin. I walk over and shake the hand of the nearest person, an older woman with short gray hair who’s dressed in a pantsuit that looks a bit too small for her. She grins at me awkwardly, and I can tell she’s nervous. “I’m Tina. Senior engine.” She shakes her head and grimaces. “Engineer. I’m a senior engineer.”

I offer her a warm smile, hating how nervous this all seems to be making her. “It’s wonderful to meet you, Tina.”

“Thanks, you too,” she says, wiping a bit of sweat off her forehead. “I’ve never been on television before.”

Lowering my voice, I say, “Don’t worry. You’re doing really well.”

“Really? Because I told you I was an engine just now,” she says, shaking her head again.

“They’ll cut that part,” I say with a little wink.

She points to the older gentleman next to her. “This is Dr. Keenan Edwards. He’s the head honcho around here.”

I shake his hand. “Oh, my new boss,” I say with a little chuckle that makes me hate myself. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”

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