Page 100 of Love Signals

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“Thank you anyway.”

“I’m not taking any credit for this,” he answers. “Not even an atom’s worth.”

I click my tongue, then say, “Did you just make a physics metaphor for me?”

He chuckles. “Maybe. Why? Did you like it?”

“Super-hot. If I wasn’t exhausted and disgusting, I’d be all over you right now.”

“You’re still beautiful.”

“We said no lying.”

“It’s a fact. And facts aren’t up for debate.” He leans over and gives me a kiss on the lips. “Go get some rest, and call me when you wake up.”

“I will.” I open the door and float up the sidewalk, feeling like I’m in the best dream ever. At thirty-five, my life is falling into place. I’ve just made a major discovery that’s going to help the world, and I’ve found love. Real love with a good man who loves me back and supports me.

I eat a huge breakfast—eggs, toast, orange slices, and yogurt—glad my parents are at work so I don’t have to try to talk. I write them a quick note to say I did it and that I’m sleeping, so when they get home from the bakery, they won’t wake me up. Then I take a long hot shower and drop into bed, listening to a chorus of birds outside my window. I lay there for a minute, thinking about how incredibly lucky I am. I not only got Frank to work, I’m madly in love with the most perfect man ever, and after our big talk yesterday, and how he opened up to me, I know he loves me too. Even though we haven’t said it yet, it’s there. He knows I accept and love him just the way he is, which is true love. The kind that lasts forever. Just like he accepts and wants me, even when I’m a total mess. We’ve done the hard part. The rest is just logistics. And all signs point to this relationship being a go. I fall into a deep sleep, feeling content in a way that I can honestly say I’ve never felt before, thrilled that soon, I’ll be back in his big, strong arms.

“Wake up. Allegra, wake up,” my mom says. “It’s almost supper time.”

I grunt and turn away.

“Come on.” She yanks my covers off and pats me on the back. “If you keep sleeping, you’ll be awake in the middle of the night and tomorrow will be another write-off.”

Why does she have to be right? “But I’m so sleepy,” I murmur, feeling too hot and too cold at the same time. Without opening my eyes, I reach down, searching for my blankets with my hand, even though I know they’re too far away.

“Let’s go. I made baked ziti to celebrate your work project.”

“I’m not hungry.”

“But you gotta eat so you can show your body what time it is,” she says. “Come on. Up with you.”

Yanking open my curtains, she lets the early evening light into my room. Walking over to my door, she says, “If you’re not downstairs in five minutes, I’m coming back with the bucket.”

The bucket is something she used to wake us up as teenagers when we’d try to sleep till noon. It’s metal. She brings a stainless-steel spaghetti spoon and makes a god-awful racket with them. “The bucket? You do know I’m a grown woman and a highly accomplished scientist, right?”

“Five minutes. It’s for your own good.”

I groan and drag myself out of bed, then stumble to the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth, still completely disoriented. In some distant part of my mind, an alarm is going off, and I have no idea why. I grab my phone and text Gwen, then Hudson, to tell them both I’m awake and that I’m going to eat supper and force myself to stay awake for a couple of hours before bed. Immediately, I get a text from them both.


Rest up, my friend! You’ve earned it. See you tomorrow.


Do you want me to pick you up and bring you back here? I can help you stay awake…


As tempting as that is, I’m completely wiped.


Totally understandable. I’ll swing by and drive you to work tomorrow morning.


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