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He snaps his fingers and points at me. “Good one, that would do it.”

“Honestly, I don’t even believe we weren’t drugged. There was probably something in that incense that made us all super high.”

“Exactly, because there’s no way I would have said any of those things if I weren’t supremely high,” Ty says.

“Same,” I scoff. “That bathroom stuff? No freaking way would I ever be down with that, and the very fact that I even said it proves that nothing I said was true, because that certainly wasn’t.”

“That totally makes sense. I’ve never in my life wanted to put babies inside someone. I cringe even at the thought of saying something so ridiculous, so yeah, whatever that was, it messed us both up but good.”

“I bet he only drugged the two of us so they could all have a laugh.”

“That has got to be it. Who knew shaman were such assholes?” Ty says, adjusting the straps on the Baby Bjorn. “They’re even worse than pink dolphins.”

How is he not out of breath? I mean seriously, my lungs are on fire and I’m not even carrying anything? He’s got the world’s heaviest urn, and a backpack with both our waters.

“And the rest of those yahoos, laughing it up?” I say. “I could do without them for the rest of my life.”

“Agreed. I mean, obviously we both said some things we didn’t mean last night, but is it really so funny?” he asks. “It’s like all those stupid videos people post when their kids are coming off anesthetic.”

“It’s really the lowest form of humor,” I say. “To make fun of someone who doesn’t have all their faculties.” God, my lungs are seriously burning. I have got to start doing some cardio when I get home.

“Obviously, neither of us meant what we said. We barely know each other, and even if we did, we’re not compatible.”

Not compatible? What? “I don’t know, we did do pretty well when we were stranded overnight together.”

“Yes, but that was just out of necessity. It wasn’t like we chose to be out there alone.”

“True, but we made the best of it and we worked together quite well.”

“Sure, but I would’ve acted that way with anyone,” he says.

He would’ve acted that way with anyone? Grrrrr… “I’d say we did a lot more than just work together.” Irritation scratches at my already irritated chest. “And there were certainly things we did that night that I wouldn’t do with just anyone.”

Ty stops walking and stares down at me for a second. “It was sex, Gwen. I thought we were both on the same page about that. What happens in the jungle stays in the jungle?”

My face heats up and I can’t stand to look at him. Not when he’s basically telling me I mean nothing to him. So I turn and keep walking. “Of course I know that,” I say curtly.

“Are you upset with me?” he asks.

“No. Why would I be?”

“Because you seem upset.”

“I’m not upset. I have no reason to be. You and I both knew what we were doing out there … and last night. Although last night was a little different on account of us being under the influence.” I pick up my pace, wanting to get away from him.

“Then why did you snap at me?”

“I’m insulted that you’d assume I thought it meant more than it did.”

“It was a fair assumption based on what you were saying.”

“Was it? Or was it an assumption based on the fact that I’m a woman?” I ask, even though I know that’s not true. He’s not sexist. He’s cynical, closed-off, and close-minded, but he’s not sexist.

“It absolutely wasn’t because you’re a woman, and quite frankly, I’m insulted at the accusation.”

I stop in my tracks, my head snapping back. “You’re insulted? Last night it was all ‘I love you, Gwen, I want to spend the rest of my life with you and carry you around when you’re too old to walk,’ and this morning, you’re saying you would’ve done all that stuff with any rando who happened your way.”

He stares down at me, and I force myself to meet his gaze. I can’t appear weak. Not right now. Not with him. “Gwen, I thought we both agreed that the stuff we said last night wasn’t true. Are you actually trying to say that in less than a week, you decided to get married and have a family with me, of all people? The guy whose photo you’ve been defacing for years?”

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