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Yes, very much. “Oh, I don’t … I mean, she’s … it wouldn’t work out, so…”

“You didn’t say no.”

He’s got me there. “I’m not her type.” Her type is probably not going to be a man who causes her to lose her job, and likely her new home.

“Why? What kind of person is she looking for? Someone poor and ugly?”

“No, just … someone else who isn’t me. Listen, Michael, I have to hang up. We’re about to leave for the next part of the trip and everyone is waiting for me.”

“I will say goodbye then because it is inconsiderate to make people wait.”

“That it is. Goodbye, Michael. Love you.”

“I love you too. Have a safe journey and call me as soon as you can.”

“I will.”

“Finally,” Donna says as soon as she picks up the phone. “I was about to send the security team over there to find you.”

“Muffy hasn’t called me back and I have a feeling this isn’t one of those ‘no news is good news’ situations.”

“Yeah, I’d have the same feeling. Apparently, she and Bobbi Brown didn’t hit it off.”


“I guess Ms. Brown said something about her having mature skin, and things went downhill from there.”

I glance over at the rest of the group, all of whom are across the field, fawning over a brown and white baby alpaca. I needed to make sure I was too far away for Gwen to ‘overhear’ me. She’s crouched down, petting the fuzzy animal on its long neck. I’d take some of that petting action, no matter how mad she makes me. Come on, Ty. Get your head out of your ass.

“Apparently someone else is in the mix now and a serious offer is being prepared.”

“Shit,” I mutter. “And I’m sure he knows exactly what the current offer on the table is.”

“Yup. Looks like it’s Hail-Mary-pass time. If I was you, I’d be zipping to Texas for a couple of days.”

I run my hand through my hair, my gut tightening. How the hell do I get out of this without looking like the world’s most heartless man? “That’s going to be tricky.”

“I know you’re concerned about doing the right thing by Dr. Napper, but honestly, Ty, he knew how much this meant to you. I think he’d understand.”

I look over at Rohan, who is holding Richard’s urn. Rohan would never forgive me if I left, not after chasing away half of the people who actually showed up for this thing. And it would be exactly the kind of thing Gwen Fox would think an asshole like me would do. “No, I can’t. I need to be here.”

“Okay, but there’s only so much I can do.”

“I know,” I tell her. “I’ll find a way to make it work.”

“You’re going to have to because the clock is ticking.”


The Right Tool for the Job…


Fox Family Chat


Gwenny, how are things in Peru? Your mom and I would like to hear from you so we can ascertain your whereabouts and have an update on your status.

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