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“Because this project could be the greatest thing to ever happen to our species. Think of how boring your food would be if there had never been any explorers throughout history. Or how limited our knowledge would be, or the lack of variety in the music we’d have or all the medicines that wouldn’t exist,” she says, her eyes lit up with excitement. “It’s the sharing of knowledge and culture that makes life rich. Imagine how rich we’d be if we could share that with beings from another planet. It would be incredible.”

“Or maybe when they find out we’re here, they’ll swing by with a laser and wipe our planet off the face of the universe…”

A look of understanding crosses her face. “Oh, I get it now.”

“You get what?” I ask.

“Why you hate us so much,” she says, turning from me as if she’s bored. She pulls her phone out of her pocket and takes a close-up photo of the wall. “You’re scared.”

“I’m not scared,” I say, jamming my hands in my front pockets.

“Sure you are. I should’ve guessed based on your reaction to riding in a helicopter.”

“We almost died. Besides, I wasn’t the one gripping my own hand on that thing.”

“Yeah, but even before that. The white knuckles, the slightly pale face,” Gwen says, glancing up at me and shrugging. “It’s okay, really. Lots of people get scared. They like the familiar, whereas the work I do is all about the unknown. It’s a rare person who is comfortable with it.”

“I am perfectly comfortable with the unknown. I just don’t like helicopters.”

“And you’re afraid the aliens are going to attack us.”

“I was just playing devil’s advocate.”

“Really?” she asks, wrinkling up her nose a little. “Because you seemed worried about it.”

“I was joking,” I say, feeling more agitated by this conversation than I should. “Look, I’m nothing if not a risk taker. If I weren’t, I wouldn’t be where I am today.”

“Oh yeah?” she asks, turning to face me. “If you’re such a risk taker, what’s the biggest risk you took?”

I narrow my eyes, coming up completely blank. Other than some high-risk investments, I haven’t done anything that wasn’t a sure thing in years. “Starting the company with Richard.”

“Okay, but that was decades ago. What’s the last big risky thing you’ve done. Or … what’s the next big risky thing you’re going to do?” she asks. “Come on, wow me with how comfortable you are with the unknown.”

“Are you taunting me?”

“No, I’m not taunting you. You’re the one implying your middle name is Danger, so I’m just asking you to provide examples.”

The football team will be a risk. Well, not really. It’s been the most profitable team for three decades, so it’s pretty much sure money. It’s just a lot of sure money. But I can’t talk about that anyway, so it’s time to deflect. “And you’re such a risk taker, sitting at a computer all day listening to static? What? Do you spend your weekends base jumping or something?”

Jutting out her chin, she says, “No, I don’t. But that’s only because I don’t have a death wish.”

“Okay, so what’s the last big risky thing you’ve done?” I ask, taking two steps closer to her. “Or the next one?”

Shit. My eyes keep flicking down to those full lips and now we’re in perfect kissing position again. I swear the heat between us must be visible to the naked eye. If anyone is looking at us right now, they’re going to know exactly what this is. And for some stupid reason, I can’t stop myself from staying exactly where I am, focusing every bit of my attention on her beautiful face. “Come on, Ms. Fox, what’s the next big risk you’re willing to take?”

She licks her lips, and I’m positive she’s about to kiss me. My entire body hums with excitement. But she doesn’t. Instead she seems to be able to resist whatever this pull is between us. Clearing her throat, she says, “I don’t know about the next one, but I’ve risked my entire career and my reputation on the bet that we’re not alone in the Universe.”

A sense of full body disappointment comes over me as the moment slips away. “That’s … actually a pretty good one.”

“I know,” she says, glancing at my mouth.

Wait, maybe the moment is back…

Before I have a chance to find out, Thiago blows his whistle. “Okay, everyone! We need to hike down the mountain. Our next stop is a real alpaca farm!”

“Hi, Michael, how are you doing today?”

“I’m a little peeved, actually. Some child climbed on Tessy the Triceratops and got her all sticky with a blue gooey candy.”

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