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The Joys and Pains of Being a Gentleman…


I stand off to the side watching Rohan, Thiago, and Niles as they gawk at Ms. Fox getting her hair washed. I forget all about trying to get a cell signal so I can check in with Donna and find myself striding over to the trio, my hands balled up in tight fists. “Enjoying the view?”

“Yes, it’s beautiful,” Thiago says.

Niles just nods and continues staring while Rohan, who knows I’m not just making conversation, turns his attention to me with a guilty expression. “The valley? Yes, it’s really something. I can see why Dick loved it here so much.”

I glare at him, then snap my fingers several times at Thiago and Niles. “Hey, you two, stop being disgusting.”

They both straighten up, Niles looking sheepish while Thiago turns his gaze to the ground. I shake my head at them, then walk over to Ms. Fox, who is now wringing out her long, dark hair. Between the skin-tight pants and the harness, you can basically see her entire ass. And it’s a Very. Nice. Ass.

One that is about to be covered up because I’m sure she doesn’t want it on display. She turns around to face me, shivering a bit. “That wind is brisk when you have wet hair.”

I tug off my fleece pullover and hand it to her. “Here. Take this.”

“No, I couldn’t possibly,” she says, trying to give it back.

“I insist.”

“But then you’ll be cold.”

Shaking my head, I say, “I’m fine. I run hot anyway.” As in, hotblooded enough to knock some heads together if those idiots start staring at her again. Okay, seriously, Ty? You’re turning into a neanderthal now?

She nods and offers me a smile that does something to me. “Thank you. That’s very kind. Honestly, I’m feeling a little exposed in these pants.”

I put on an innocent expression. “What? Oh, don’t worry. You’re fine.”

Ms. Fox gives me a skeptical look, then pulls the shirt on over her head. “I am, now, thank you.”

She looks ridiculously small in my pullover. Like she’s drowning in it. I’m tempted to roll up her sleeves for her, but then I remind myself of all the ways that would be completely inappropriate. Besides, she’s rolling them up herself, you know, since she’s not a toddler. Smiling up at me, she says, “I’m starting to wonder if Dr. Napper was right about you.”

My face heats up a little at the memory of him calling me an M&M. I roll my eyes. “Don’t believe it. I’m neither soft nor sweet.”

“Well, this was not exactly awful of you.”

If she only knew why I did it, she wouldn’t think so.

You know what’s really uncomfortable? Ziplining with a hard-on. Yeah, not great, if I’m going to be honest. The harness made it so that pullover rides up and my buddy’s bottom was showing the entire time, and being the gentleman I’m pretending to be, I let her go first on each leg of the trip which meant I had the world’s best view the entire time. I’m honestly not sure I’ll ever recover.

The sun is just setting as we pull into the village, everyone around me chatting away about the experience we just had, while I sit at the back of the bus, looking for a few bars of cell reception. So far, nothing, which really sucks because I have to let Donna know I’m stuck here, and I also really must get ahold of Muffy and check in with Michael.

The village looks like a place that time forgot. Stone walls surround the entire place, the dirt streets are too narrow for two vehicles to pass each other, and based on the lack of signs, I’m guessing the locals ‘just know’ which way to go. The houses and buildings are all one or two stories, allowing for a view of the surrounding mountains to be seen no matter where you are. We pass through town, cross a river on an old bridge that doesn’t exactly inspire confidence, then pull up in front of an expansive lodge.

Thiago stands and says, “This will be our stop for the night. The Colibri Lodge is the best place to stay in the entire valley. The food is delicious, the hospitality is top notch, and the best part? Natural hot springs to rest your weary bones. Follow me to the front desk to get your rooms sorted out.”

I stare out at the stone building, admiring the old-world construction. I expected we’d be stuck in tents, or worse, sleeping up in a tree somewhere, but this is a place I would actually pick for myself. Well done, Richard. This is a pleasant surprise.

I follow the group into the lobby, checking my cell phone again. Still nothing. Thiago stands at the desk and assists with checking everyone in and giving instructions. Ms. Fox approaches him carefully when it’s her turn. “I hate to bother you, but I really do need to do some shopping.”

“Yes, of course,” he says, turning to the clerk and saying something in Spanish.

The clerk shakes his head at her while answering Thiago.

“What did he say?” Ms. Fox asks.

“He said you should never check your bag because they always lose them.”

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