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"No. You know what? I have something better."

The malignancy in his voice. The malevolence. It was astonishing. I wanted to take down the trafficking ring and I wanted to live through this and go home to Cole.

Otherwise I would have pulled the knife then and cut his throat with it.

After I cut off something else.

Bevington was unaware. "I'm going to have the two of you cane each other until I'm – " pause as he stroked himself, lovingly. "Satisfied." He looked up at us, from one to the other. "And then I'll do it for a while. When I finish you'll think your little adventure last night was a love tap."

He was talking to me. I met Lettie's eyes. I wanted to think she looked fearless. I was afraid she'd look insane.

But Lettie gave me a level look he couldn't see because she still stood three-quarters turned from him, reaching for my shirt. Wait, she mouthed.

I almost shook my head. Wait for what?

But Bevington was at it again, directing who to do what, that I would have some time to anticipate what's coming and I would be the one to start with doing the caning.

There were two of us, in our twenties, and one of him, looking well over the century mark. But when I looked again he'd stopped pleasuring himself and he held a gun. Small. A 5-shot revolver. But close range. Five bullets. Two of us. He'd just more than evened the odds.

I nodded at Lettie. I needed to close the distance between me and Bevington. Lettie raised her skirt over her ass and bent over the desk, making certain Bevington had a good view between her legs. She had to angle herself to make that happen.

No mistake.

I looked to the umbrella stand. Now Bevington would tell me which to start with and probably it would be a flexible light stingy cane when what I wanted was the biggest, thickest cane he had.

There was no time to be choosy. I had to grab and hope big meant heavy.


There was something in his voice. Like he was about to come. Which I thought would be bad. Whether he thought it was embarrassingly fast or he hated losing control, I thought Bevington coming meant more pain.

I grabbed the nearest implement. I moved around Lettie, changing from her right side to her left because I'm right handed. I took care not to block Bevington's view.

He was still hard. My mind wandered for a second. I'd had the idea in mind. Now I pondered an alternate for a moment before I returned to my idea.

I tapped Lettie's ass, just getting my distancing.

"None of that. Hurt her. Hit her hard."

I smiled. I lifted the cane an brought it screaming down. I heard him laugh just before I jerked my arm still, straining muscles, jolting ligaments. I touched Lettie with the cane, heard her confused Mrph?

And dragged the cane backhanded as fast and hard as I could, making a wide movement like a frisbee toss that would sail all the way to another country, my trajectory so wide.

So fast.

So fucking hard.

The cane caught him across the cheekbone. I heard the crunch and knew the pain. I'd had my own damaged. The sound of the cane would be familiar. The sound of his cry was high and wrong. It might take security a minute to figure out it was their boss and not some disposable female.

Just long enough.

He'd dropped the gun. It skittered across the room under the desk before either of us thought to grab it. His erection was going fast.

I brought the cane down in a double handed overhand strike, smashing his length into his balls and both into his lap.

This time the cry was unmistakably not one of us.

Lettie whirled to the door and locked it. "Are you insane? Now what?" Her eyes were wide and terrified.

"Now this," I said, and as the door strained on the lock, shuddering as huge shoulders slammed into it, I pulled the knife from my garter and pulled the shivering, shaking, retching Bevington from his chair, wrapped my arm around his throat, and put the tip of Theo's wicked blade against the very corner of his eye.

Security came through the door and stopped.


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