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The huge, shiny wood table was cold under my back. I lay with my heels on the edge and my knees up and my legs wide. It took a couple minutes to make myself pry my arms from their crisscross over my boobs and where my hands naturally ended up covering between my legs.

Cole administered a sharp slap to my hip. "Put your hands behind your head and keep them there."

My breathing was shaky. It wasn't like he hadn't seen every part of me at this point. But there was something about medical procedures that left me shaky and horrified.

That this would be real, with possible diagnostic tests, I didn't question. That it would be as embarrassing as he could make it? I didn't question that, either.

Cole started by looking into my eyes and ears, palpitating my throat, then looking into it. How was it that a doctor with normal hands would instantly become chilly and clammy the minute he touched the lymph nodes on the side of the throat? Even Cole did it.

That done, he felt around my throat and the top of my chest, then retrieved a stethoscope from the black bag he fetched from under the table. Seeing it gave me a bad feeling. He listened to my heart, then moved the thing down under my breast, the way doctors did that always freaked me out. For once it was less having someone touch me there and more like they weren't quite sure where I kept my heart.

"You look like you're going to laugh," Cole said.

He was looking into my eyes.

"Farthest thing from my mind." And then, "Sir."

He did smile then, and inclined his head. "I think for now, call me Doctor."

That wiped away any smile. "Yes, s – doctor."

And he moved down to what I was dreading and hating, the part where he examined my breasts, touching every inch of them, stroking and massaging and touching them in overly intimate ways that had nothing to do with pleasure or pain. I thought if I could ever determine what I hated about this I could get on top of it.

But then, a public relations campaign in favor of people being prodded and poked in disgusting, intrusive, invasive ways had run for a summer, something about If you don't get this test done, you literally could die from embarrassment or something like that. It didn't completely make sense. It was just icky.

Cole finished with my breasts, then moved down my torso, checking for whatever doctors check for when they try to touch the surface you're lying on by pressing their fingers through your stomach. He palpitated and massaged, then his hands went lower and I jackknifed upright.


He slapped me across the face without pause. "Doctor."

"Cole," I said, furious suddenly. "I don't have to take this. I don't have to stay here. I don't need your money and I've got a life put together and I don't want this! It's not erotic and it's not –"

"For your benefit," he said and his voice was just short of a roar. "You think everything is about hurting or humiliating you. You think everything is a game simply because I'm a sexual sadist."

I had been halfway off the table but now I cringed back.

"You are putting yourself in harm's way. I understand what you're doing and Annie, rest assured if I thought you were doing it to help a billionaire who can ride out any storm thrown at him, I guarantee you I would out you so fast you'd never have a chance to go near any crooked trafficking judge. They'd all know you. I'd send text alerts. I'd put up billboards. I'd have feeds sent directly to their social media accounts."

I was staring at him, mouth open.

He reached out and grabbed my right boob, squeezing so tight I yelped and tried to pull free but that hurt too much and I stayed still. "You're mine," he growled.

I froze. I'd already been still. Now I was a statue.

"You are mine. You have promised to be mine. You have signed contracts to be mine. You have come back time after time when you didn't have to."

Everything I'd told myself. Spat back at me in fury.

"You're mine and I –"

His tongue hesitated on the edge of a word I silently begged him not to say. Not yet. Not now. Not ever, maybe, because it sure the fuck hadn't gone well before.

I drew in a shaky breath.

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