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"Oh, not yet. I'm sorry if I startled you."

I almost laughed. Anyone would be startled when a man stood up with that in his pants.

"But we have so much more to offer you than an interview."

And I actually did want the fuck out of there – because the judge was moving past me to the door which had a keyed deadbolt.

Stupid! No way I should only be seeing that now it was too late. I stood but he pressed me down again, using his not inconsiderable strength to shove me by my shoulders. When I tried to back away, I hit one of the chairs with the backs of my legs and my knees buckled. Suddenly I was kneeling at his feet.

He was still talking. "…with your incentive, your intelligence and the fact that you did this on your own, I know we can find an internship for you. Would you like that?"

Gods, it sounded like he was asking if I'd like some sexual favor. Bile rose in my throat. I'd been hurt undercover, I'd been assaulted once, and I'd had sex that was only consensual for my cover persona Lily, because I definitely didn't want it.

This was something else.

"Sir, Mr. Conway, you don't have to – I mean, I can get an internship by going through the college and –"

"Be. QUIET!" He grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked my head back so I stared up at him. "You silly little bitch. Did you think that you'd really –" He started to laugh. Dragging me with him, he pressed his intercom. "Barb, five minutes and then send Sulk from security."

I didn't hear her response but undoubtedly she knew. And I could guess. This had happened before because he had a system down and a security officer who was going to show up armed and escort out the latest girl.

I could only guess to where. The fact that he was calling before meant the girl in question – me, this time – exited the judge's chambers alive. And ended up being trafficked.

I put both hands over his while he was distracted with his messaging and pressed his hands to my head to alleviate the pain in my scalp. Then I lunged upward, trying to knock him off balance while he was off guard and failing that, knee him hard in his very excited erection.

Only he wasn't off guard. He was waiting for me to do something like that and when I did, he didn't seem bothered by his one hand being pressed against the back of my head or that he couldn't get a huge wind up.

He just slammed his hand into my cheek and sent my head spinning to the side. He released me at the same time and I fell. Sprawled on the floor, feeling my skirt flapping up too high, my shirt opening further, feeling myself at risk, I struggled to get myself onto all fours and heading upward again.

Until the click came as the safety came off and the gun rested against my temple.

I went still, halfway to all fours, essentially kneeling again. Right where he'd had me. Right where he wanted me.

The judge adeptly opened his trousers with one hand, the other holding the gun with a lot more confidence than I was comfortable with him having. "Easy, now," he said. "You're going to have a nice long time to get acquainted with Mr. Happy and you're going to make Mr. Happy Mr. Very, Very Happy and then security's going to come and take you for a little walk." He had his erection out, his fist wrapped around it, pumping a little, at eye level.

The only way I wanted it in my mouth was if I was biting. I glared up at him and he said, "Careful, now. If I get too excited, the gun might just go off. Now take it nice in your mouth –"

He smelled. He was commando and excited, and he had hold of my hair again, guiding my mouth toward his erection while the gun was still against my temple. I gagged, feeling him tighten his grip in my hair to punish me for that, for not being enthusiastic, for knowing what was going to come and –

He had his back to the office door. The one locked on a keyed deadbolt. But I heard the key go into the lock and I heard the door start to open. Security had been called, but no way fifteen minutes had passed already and he didn't think so either, because he started to turn and he started to snarl and –

Hands grabbed him. I could see them as they raised up and came down on his shoulders, balling up the shirt there and hauling him backwards off me. A big meaty hand grabbed his gun hand and disarmed the judge by the sheer expediency of breaking his hand.

Only the judge wasn't quite finished. What he thought he'd get out of it, I didn't know. But he tore away from the man I saw was Cole's deputy chief of security, Barry – a mountain of man, now growling in fury at the judge.

Who was turning with the gun still in his hand, because he hadn't dropped it, whatever he'd dropped, it wasn't the gun.

He'd turn, and shoot Barry.

I moved faster than he did. He had a broken hand, after all. Shoved myself up on my knees, grabbed with my left hand, most of my attention focused there on controlling the gun by squeezing his broken hand and keeping the barrel pointed down.

My right hand came up and grabbed the very thing he'd wanted me to have in my mouth. Only I grabbed with a lot more enthusiasm than he'd intended.

I squeezed until he screamed.

"Damn," Barry said, and I think he winced.

The judge fell, letting go of the gun and curling around himself.

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