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Cole had the money. He could easily pay to have the rooms sanitized, scrubbed and repainted, every single artifact from a previous tenant removed.

He could also pay to have somebody disappear.

That was a chilling thought. I needed to remind myself of that before the next time we sat on his big sprawling couch eating popcorn and watching Pixar movies.

He was dangerous.

I'd do best not to forget it.

* * *

The day of the dinner party rolled around. Cole, creature of habit, took me for a run in the desert. We could see our breath and the temperature was in the thirties. He made certain I had on lined tights and a fleece top, that I had gloves and a headband. He wore similar clothes and the run was shorter because the cold air hurt the lungs.

Back in the compound he let me go after a short yoga session. Breakfast was in my room, all strawberries and scrambled eggs and bacon and coffee.

Something was up. It reminded me of a boss I'd had for a stupid office job in college, who would give everybody some small treat right before telling them they were working through the weekend on some project that was otherwise going to be late and which was his fault.

I began to actively dread the coming evening.

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