Page 13 of Diabolique

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“I don’t care, I can’t stay here. You’ve been here five minutes, and you already look like you’re about to throw up, yet you want me to stay here indefinitely.”

“There’s millions of dollars on the line, and you can’t deal with a little odor? Just think about all that money.”

“What money? Nothing is going the way you said it would.”

“It’s not my fault you can’t seduce him. I’ve given you every opportunity, and you blew them all.”

“He doesn’t seem interested.”

“All men are interested in you, babe.”

Is she really that easy? Apparently, yes, gross. I fast-forwarded through their little porn audition. Five minutes? Damn, these kids today don’t know the first thing about sex. Not to mention his dick was the size of a gorilla’s, which is about three inches. I need to wash my brain out with bleach after seeing that abomination.

Ah, here we go. I guess not many people would give a shit about a line of coke, but the meth might raise some brows. You wouldn’t know it to look at them. I’m so disappointed in our hiring team. Then again, the friend who recommended Jack is highly respected, and I can’t find any case against him, but someone has to be responsible for Jessica.

They discussed their plan, which is what I was after with my little subterfuge. It was a simple plan and one that any other man might have fallen for, but they didn’t bank on my husband being faithful. As Jack explained, we'd been married for years, and he was probably tired of me by now.

Mark was supposed to be an easy mark, and he wasn’t the first that these two had shaken down, but apparently, he was the first not to fall for her charms. I could see why. She’s beautiful, at least on the outside.

I didn’t see anything about that when I investigated her, but if it went anything like I suspect, the men she’s taken advantage of had paid to keep things hushed up. How the hell am I supposed to find them? There’s got to be a way.

“If this one fails, we’re gonna have to waste more time setting up another mark. We’re almost out of money, babe; you’ve got to make a move.”

“You have his appointments for next week, anything useful in there?”

“I’ll have to have another look when I get back to the office. I’ll text you when I have something. I’ve got to go; I don’t want to risk being seen here.”

“What are we going to do about this place? I can’t get the smell out.”

“I’ll think of something. Don’t call maintenance again. We don’t want them to start asking questions.”

“I thought you said he never comes here.”

“He doesn’t. There’s no reason to.”

“Maybe we should find a new one.”

“No way, he’s the biggest fish we’ve gone after. We could retire with the payday from this one. No more chum change; we’re talking millions. He’d pay out the ass to keep this quiet because of his clientele. None of them would want this known, trust me. Just get into his pants once, just once.”

“What about the picture we took?”

“That’s not enough, and besides, you were the one hugging him. The look on his face isn’t one of pleasure but surprise and unease. Any judge worth his salt would throw that shit out.”

She pouted like she was offended. At least he had a better angle; I couldn’t see Mark’s face in the picture I took. I turned it off after he left. Now, all I need to do is figure out how our friend knew Jack and why he’d been recommended. I won’t make a move until I know all the players in this game.

* * *

There was onlyone person I could trust with this and I had no idea where he was right now. Marcus is an old family friend that I've known for as long as I’ve known my husband. The two men had met in some out-of-the-way place halfway across the world when my husband got himself kidnapped along with the tour group somewhere in Colombia.

Since then, Mark has kept up with his old friend whenever he was stateside, which wasn’t often, but I knew of no one else I could trust with this. He’s been there for every christening and graduation of my kids and was best man at our wedding, so I know that if anyone would know how best to navigate this situation so that it didn’t come back to bite my husband in the ass, Marcus Blair is it.

If I just wanted to run them off, I could handle this myself, but knowing Marcus, he’d do way more than that, and that’s what I want. I don’t want these two to do this to anyone else ever again, and not for nothing, but everyone else I know is too vanilla for what I have in mind.

I need to remove them without making waves. If I go after them legally, our company will suffer once word gets out that we’ve hired people like this. But if I get Marcus involved, there’s a good bet that they’d never be heard from again. I can live with that.

It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be to get in touch; it was as simple as dialing his number. He answered on the first ring. “Britt? What’s wrong? Is it the kids? Mark?”

“No, nothing like that, but I might need your help. Is that… is that gunfire? Where are you?”

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