Page 12 of Diabolique

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He gave it some thought before agreeing. “You might be right. Okay, let me know if you need any help. I’ll ask Jack to get you a list of employees.”

“No need, and please don’t tell Jack about this for now. Let’s keep this between you and me. I don’t expect to find anything, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

“We’ll do it your way, but don’t work too hard.”

“I won’t, I promise.” I smiled as I cut into my steak. Even though there was no affair, the changes in our marriage had been eye-opening, and I mean to carry on regardless.

My husband has been happier than I’d seen him in a while, and I’ve felt more alive than I have in a very long time. As to the situation that got us here, I already know how to deal with it. Since neither of them knows that I’m on to them, I can pull their strings from behind the scenes and make sure they never get the chance they’re looking for.

I was convinced more than ever that my husband adored me. It had been months since those two started their little game of cat and mouse, but apart from the hug, which she instigated, they hadn’t been able to get him in a compromising position.

Thankfully, I caught it in the very early stages, so now that I know what’s cooking, I can keep my eye on the pot. Jack had been recommended a couple of years ago by one of Mark’s cousins, who I don’t suspect has any part in this scheme, but I’m still looking into it. For all I know, it could’ve been innocent on our cousin’s part, but it definitely wasn’t on Jack’s.

It appears that he’d targeted my husband from the get-go, which is what’s going to work against him. Since he works so closely with my husband, there’s a lot I can trace back to him, and that, added to the clone, will keep me abreast of their actions.

I already have the report on Jack and am now using this suggestion as a cover until the right time comes. I could just expose everything right now since they didn’t get what they were after. But that would be too easy. First, if word got around that our company was this vulnerable to scams, who in their right mind would trust us in the future?

No, I need to handle this in a way that those two won’t have a voice to make so much as a squeak when I kick them out on their ass.

Our sex was even more passionate than in the last few months because I found myself with lots of excess energy. Mark didn’t complain, but I’m sure the scratches and bites I subjected him to had to have him wondering.

“Babe, I’ve been meaning to ask you. What the hell has gotten into you?” He was busy sliding his cock in and out of me as I laid on my back with my legs spread as wide as I could make them go.

“Other than your cock you mean?” I don’t think I’ve ever said the word cock to my husband before, and it had quite an effect on him.

His reaction was to drive into me harder. “That’s it, fuck me harder.” If I knew all these years that that was all it would take to make him go wild for me, I would’ve done it long ago. I screamed with pleasure when he raised my legs higher in the air and held them there by my ankles while he went wild between my thighs.

Who says life ends at thirty? At forty, I was having the best sex of my life and had never felt so alive. I’ve always enjoyed sex with my husband, don’t get me wrong, but this was like a new lover with a new toy. I never thought I’d like seeing myself in that light but I was wrong.

I loved the way he handled me, not like spun glass or something precious he had to handle with care. Not like the well-bred daughter of an elite family. He fucked me like a woman, a cherished and desired woman.

“Should I cum inside you again?” I nodded my head wildly, loving the feeling of taking a chance. We’d been using condoms for years since I was allergic to birth control, but in the last few months, we’d been playing Russian roulette with my womb.

“Cum in me.” I know how that drives him crazy and now was no different. He growled and hastened his strokes fast enough to knock the bed into the wall over and over again until we both came screaming together.


Ihad one eye on my bedroom camera, making sure Mark was still asleep and not reaching for me as he’s prone to and the other on the recording from Jessica’s apartment. Once they were over the hurdle of what he was doing there since she wasn’t the one to invite him, I was able to breathe easily.

I was a bit worried about that, but when he showed up, she was just happy to see someone. So there was no ‘What are you doing here?’ from her, just a look of surprise followed quickly by a smile. “You came.”

“You knew I would. What the hell is that smell?”

“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.”

“No wonder you’re losing your mind. Why don’t you open the windows?”

“I tried, they’re nailed shut.”

“Nailed shut? That doesn’t sound right.” He walked over and tried opening the windows, which I had already taken care of.

“So, what is it that you want? You know I can’t be here. No one can see us together, you know that.”

“I know, but I can’t stay here; this is driving me crazy.”

“But this was part of the plan, remember? We have to make it look like he set you up here.”

Oh, so that’s why her name is not on the tenant’s list.

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