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He says it with so much calm certainty that I believe the words. As I tuck my head against his chin, I can’t help thinking that this man deserves that grace at least as much as I do.

How much has he endured over the years, trying to live up to his mother’s expectations to honor Ardone? How many sacrifices has he made that aren’t visible like his jeweled teeth?

He’s been here for me every time I’ve doubted or stumbled… Does he even understand just how much he means to me?

Love beams through my chest, softening the last of my frustration. I pull back just far enough to reach for the ties at the neck of Casimir’s tunic.

The corner of his mouth quirks upward. “Looking for company in your bath?”

“It’s always better when you join me.” I tug the ties loose. “But I’ve changed my mind. This time, I’m going to pamper you.”



As Ivy tugs my shirt up over my head, my first instinct is to protest. Pampering is my job—it’s sometimes been the only significant contribution I can offer.

I’m the one who stayed back here at the temple while she risked her life today.

But when I see the bright smile that’s crossed her lips as she gazes at me, my resistance melts.

The idea of offering her love this way makes her happy. How can I deny her that joy?

That doesn’t mean I’m going to be totally passive in this encounter, though.

I reach for her shirt in turn, the fitted tunic she wore rather than her usual dresses for the mission we knew might require a lot of physical maneuvering. “I still want you in that bath with me.”

Ivy’s laugh is as bright as her smile. “I’m not going to deprive myself just because I’m taking care of you.”

With rustles of cloth, fleeting caresses, and a few stolen kisses, we shed all our clothes. My cock stirs just at the sight of Ivy’s slim but wiry body, that beautiful combination of delicacy and strength.

Before I can do more than stroke my fingers along the side of one of her pert breasts, she pulls me over to the bathtub. “I do want to get washed first. And I’m going to wash you too.”

I force myself to remain where she positions me at the side of the large tub rather than aligning myself with her in the water. Ivy lathers a bar of soap between her hands and rubs her fingers over my shoulders, then down my arms and chest in a gentle massage.

I’m getting harder by the second, but her touch generates more than lustful heat. A soothing warmth spreads from beneath her hands as well, releasing tensions I hadn’t known I held in my muscles.

Her expression has become intent, but her eyes still shine with affection every time our gazes meet. There’s a warmth in that too—in the devotion she’s offering with every swivel of her fingers.

I could be molded like clay in this woman’s hands.

It’s not a feeling I’ve truly gotten to experience before, somehow. In our training for the companionship division, we sometimes worked our arts on each other for practice, but I never completely gave myself over to any of those experiences. I was always thinking like a courtesan still, noting the techniques used and the reactions they provoked in me for any aspects I might want to incorporate with my future clients.

And I didn’t care about any of those partners beyond friendly acquaintances or casual friends, nor they about me. The pampering that Ivy’s offering me right now really is an act of love.

She’s not afraid to bring a little more heat into the mix. As her hands drift down to my hips, she slides her fingers around my rigid cock for a few quick pumps.

The rush of more intense pleasure propels a groan out of me.

I’m rewarded with a sly smile that only makes Ivy more gorgeous. She works her way down my legs with the same care she brought to my upper body and then motions for me to dunk my head. “Let’s wash that lovely hair of yours too.”

I drop my head back into the water obligingly and then lean forward so Ivy can reach the drenched waves more easily. She drizzles the liquid soap over my hair and then works it in with teasing circles of her fingertips.

An appreciative hum resonates from my chest. “You’re very good at this. Maybe we should add courtesan to your list of titles.”

Ivy lets out another laugh and deepens her massage of my scalp. “Only when I’m properly inspired, and I’m very happy limiting myself to four lovers who spark that inspiration.”

She has me sink down so she can rinse the suds from my hair. Fully refreshed, I reach for her. “I think it’s my turn.”

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