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Ivy’s sly smile grows. She looks at me through her eyelashes with a coquettishness I’m not used to from her. “I think it could be more fun if you simply relax and watch.”

Before I have to wonder what she means, she rises up on her knees so her breasts are on full display. She strokes her lathered hands over her own body with the same sensuality she brought to mine.

I can’t help imagining my hands following those same paths. My cock is outright throbbing now, but it’s a delicious sort of teasing.

And my heart swells at the same time, full of my love for her.

Ivy’s gained so much confidence since the first bath I arranged for her, when she was nervous to even take off her dress. The trials we’ve faced have wounded and shaken her, but she’s also come out of them even stronger than before.

Once she’s finished washing her torso, she stands right up so I get a clear view of her sex and ass as she tends to them too. Desire thrums through my veins.

I manage to hold myself back until she lowers herself back into the water for a rinse, and then I surge forward.

I pull her to me and bury my face against her damp hair by her ear. My voice comes out in a ragged murmur. “I don’t think I can stand one more second without being inside you.”

Ivy shivers eagerly against me and adjusts her position to straddle my thighs. “I certainly didn’t start this interlude to leave you wanting.”

As she takes me into her slick heat, our mouths collide. A blissful flush spreads across every inch of my body.

I cup her cheek with one hand and grip her hip with the other, thrusting into her at the angle I know will spark just as much pleasure in her.

Even through her gasps, Ivy doesn’t give herself completely over to me. She tangles her fingers in my hair with the most delightful tug and strokes her other hand over my chest, pausing to pinch one of my nipples.

Still determined to offer me every bit as much attention as I’m giving her.

There’s a deeper sort of joy to this exchange, isn’t there? To be receiving adoration as well as offering it?

It’s not something we learned at the royal college, but as courtesans, we weren’t meant to seek out partners who wanted more than a temporary liaison. I have to think Ardone must value this balanced love just as much as that offered totally selflessly.

It feels like a kind of magic.

It’s my honor to be a part of it.

Our mouths crash together again and again. The water sloshes around us just as wildly.

My release builds at the base of my cock, but I need Ivy to come with me. Plunging into her at a faster rhythm, I slip my hand between us to strum that sensitive spot just above her opening.

Ivy moans and bucks faster with me. Her fingernails dig into my back with a sting I find more thrilling than painful.

I will back my climax, but in the same moment a tremor ripples through Ivy’s frame. She clamps around me with a stuttered sigh, and I give myself over to the blaze of pleasure now that I know she’s satisfied too.

Ivy relaxes into my arms and snuggles against me for a minute, not making any move to untangle herself from me. I nuzzle the side of her head and allow myself to revel in every bit of the pampering she’s offered.

It’s not long before her practical side kicks in, though. She peeks over the edge of the tub and winces at the puddles left behind by our fun. “We’re going to need more towels.”

I chuckle and give her one more kiss before getting out of the tub with her. We dry ourselves off and mop up the watery mess until there’s no evidence of our intimate adventures except the sodden towels.

I help Ivy back into her clothes and don my own. “How would you feel about a little stargazing?”

She beams back at me. “That sounds wonderful. The rest of our expedition should be back by now, but there won’t be much planning to do until the sentries report on how Lothar’s responded to our attack. I think we’ve all earned a night off.”

We’re just coming around the bend into the temple’s main hall when Filip bursts out of one of the other hallways. The Order defector halts in his tracks at the sight of us, his expression twitching with a flurry of emotions that makes me uneasy.

I step toward him, gentling my tone to avoid putting him on the defensive. “Are you all right, Filip?”

He stares at me for a second and then glances at Ivy. Her brow has knit with worry. He seems to waver before dragging in a sharp breath and hurrying closer.

“Ivy,” he says with a respectful dip of his head. “If anyone will be able to stop them, it’s you. I’m so sorry. I should have said something earlier. I never should have gone along with it at all.”

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