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“I’m falling in love with you too.”

Her giggle was like music to my ears as she closed the door since I was just holding it. Whatever it took, I’d have to get this woman in Rose Valley Hills with me.

“Baby, you didn’t have to do all this.”

Whiskee wiped a few tears as she looked over everything I’d gotten her. We’d come back to my place after her celebratory dinner. To congratulate her, I’d gotten her a few pieces of fine jewelry from Elite’s jewelry store that she’d been gushing over all night, along with six figures in cash and the email confirmation for her appointment with Cooper—who had my permission to show her whatever buildings she wanted for her salon.

“You deserve this and more. I really am proud of you for doing something for yourself. It takes courage to get back out there, and I got you every step of the way.”

Her countenance fell, and I didn’t like how every time we were together now it seemed like something was on her mind and heart. Wanting to ease that load I asked, “What’s on your mind?”

Looking away, Whiskee nibbled her cheek. “Just… thinking about how much I’m going to miss you when you leave.”

Gently, I sat her on the bench next to the gifts and lowered myself to take off her heels. “What if you don’t have to miss me?”

“You’re not leaving anymore?”

“I am… but what if you come with me?”

I stood and lifted her, then lifted her dress over her head. As much as I wanted to take her panties and bra off and feast on her pussy, it was important to me that we had this conversation. I allowed her to keep her underwear on, then put her in the center of my bed.

“You want me to move there with you?”

Chuckling, I nodded. “Isn’t that what I just said?”

“Well, yes, but I wanted to make sure you knew that.”

Another laugh escaped me before I gave her a soft kiss. “I know what I said, and that’s exactly what I meant.” Taking her hand into mine, I kissed each of her knuckles. “I was thinking the marriage could be real too. For your brother, we’ll keep things planned for June. For ourselves, we’ll date and continue to get to know each other and adjust to life and our partnership, and when we’re ready, we can renew our vows and do another wedding—with pure intentions that time.”

“Wait.” Her smile was wide as she sat up on her elbow and looked down at me. “You’re saying you want to marry me for real?”

“Yeah. I don’t want to let you go, Whiskee. And maybe that’s selfish of me bu—”

My words were replaced with a moan because of our kiss. Even if she didn’t say vocally that she was pleased with what I said, she showed me by sucking the soul out of my dick and taking back shots that had her cum cascading down it.



The Next Morning

Since last night, I hadn’t been able to stop smiling. Knowing that Beethoven wanted to marry me for real had me on a cloud. We agreed to date for a year while married, and if we still wanted to be together, our vow renewal would be the start of our real marriage. It was backward as hell, but it worked for us. If we did it this way, not only would Carlos be safe and Robert Carter’s organization would still have its supplier, but I’d have my man and we’d be able to live our lives happily and legally in Rose Valley Hills.

The only downside to moving was leaving my brother and best friend. Just the thought was able to wipe my smile away. I would be okay without Carlos because he’d been working like crazy, but my sisterhood with Mahogany was on a deeper level. She was truly my soulmate, and regardless of how good things were going with Beethoven, I didn’t want to lose my girl.

I made my way into her room and crawled into bed with her. It was a rare occasion where she didn’t have to go live or post any videos, and she planned to spend the day catching up on movies and shows. Outside of going to look at a few buildings with Cooper, I didn’t have anything else planned, so I told her I’d watch a few things with her this evening.

“I’m sad,” I muttered, causing her to look over at me with a smile.


“Beethoven wants to be with me for real for real. He wants me to move to Rose Valley Hills with him.”

Her smile widened as she sat up in bed and I did the same. “That’s amazing, Whiskee! Why on earth would you be sad about that?”

“I don’t want to leave you. You’ve been by my side forever. We see each other literally every day. How am I going to adjust to not having you?”

“Is that all you’re worried about?” She laughed. “I’ll just move there.”

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