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I got a couple of steps in, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back, causing eyes and heads to turn in our direction.

“I’ve been trying to find a way to keep him alive. This is the only chance he has, bae. Get him to stand down and he won’t have to worry about me or anyone else from the organization coming after him.”

Jerking away from him, I hurried out of the dining area and hoped he wouldn’t follow me. Here I was looking forward to marrying this man, even if it wouldn’t last forever, and he’d been plotting to kill my brother the whole damn time.

“Well, at least he was honest,” Mahogany muttered.

“I wish he would have lied.”

Pouting, I swirled the glass of wine I’d been babysitting for the last hour as we talked.

“Aww, you don’t mean that.”

“I actually do. He ruined the fairytale I’d been in. Now that I know the truth, there’s no way I can be with him.”

“I don’t know about that, sis. I mean… I could see if he didn’t tell you and tried to kill your brother, but he was honest and he said he’s been trying to find a way to keep Los alive. That has to count for something… right?” When I didn’t answer, she continued, “I think you should talk to Carlos. Convince him to stand down. If Tim wants to be in control, from what you’ve told me about him, nothing will stop him. I don’t think you want to make an enemy out of Bay. I think you should try and keep him on your side.”

“See that’s just the thing. A part of me knows Beethoven would never let anything happen to me, and I think he includes my brother in that because he’s an extension of me.”

“Then what’s the real issue here, Whiskee?”

Setting my wine glass on the island, I thought over how honest I wanted to be with my best friend, only because I hadn’t been fully honest with myself.

“What if this is a sign that I need to start detaching from him? We won’t be together forever anyway. Even if Carlos does stand down, Beethoven will be leaving soon. Maybe it’s for the best if I stop getting attached to him now. Make it easier on myself.”

“Except you’re already falling in love with him, babes.”

There it was… the truth I’d been wanting to avoid.

I should have known I wouldn’t be able to avoid it with her.

Gulping down my wine, I stared at the ceiling as she laughed at my expense and gave me a hug.

“Admit it, Whis. You’re falling hard for that man, and that’s okay. I got a feeling Beethoven is strong enough to catch you.”

The doorbell rang, and I shot up to answer the door, grateful for a distraction. What I wasn’t grateful for, or maybe I was, was the sight of Beethoven. Those golden-brown eyes… those juicy lips. God. This man was too handsome for his own good.

“Huh.” He extended a bag in my direction, and when I noticed it was full of my favorite snacks I laughed. “Figured you’d appreciate that more than flowers.”

“I do, but what are you doing here? I told you I didn’t want to be around you.”

“Still?” Between the confusion on his face and distress in his voice, he was making it harder and harder to want to stay away from him. Sucking his teeth, Beethoven crossed his arms over his chest. “For how long?”

“I don’t know, baby. It’s only been a few hours. I don’t know how long it takes to get over your man plotting to kill your brother.”

“I wasn’t…” With a groan, he covered his face as his head shook. “I don’t regret being honest with you, but I wish I wouldn’t have told you today. I wish I would have waited until your brother agreed to stand down so we could have avoided this.”

He lowered his hands and looked into my eyes.

“Honestly, Beethoven, I don’t think it would have made a difference. My brother is the only family I have left. Your father wanting to bring him harm will never be okay. I do respect and appreciate you trying to find a way to spare him, and I will talk to Carlos about standing down. I guess his decision will determine if I will feel comfortable enough being with you.”

“I can accept that. Regardless of what happens between us personally, though, the wedding still has to happen, or this conversation won’t matter.” He placed a kiss to the center of my forehead. “I’ll see you in a couple of days for the meeting with Mariam.”


As much as I wanted him to stay, I was glad Beethoven left without putting up a fight. Getting him out of my system would be torture. God… I prayed somehow that I didn’t have to.


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