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I had white fluffy clouds cushioning my feet as I walked home in the setting sun, hardly noticing the ache in my arches from wearing high heels all day.

Thomas was right: Jeremy did feel something. Our planets were aligning. Finally.

Underneath my elation was a small niggling worry that after reading about Mercy’s disastrous supper with Jasper, I was setting myself up for the same disappointment. But it was a book written over two centuries ago. It had nothing whatsoever to do with me. This was simply sweet karma, gifting me for being patient and steadfast in my love.

My phone buzzed, and my stomach flipped when I saw it was Thomas. I was popular today.

TTTE: Hey, do you want to meet up Wed night?

Me: Hi, so Jeremy invited me to dinner Wed night.

TTTE: Wow, what did you do?

Me: I may have worn a sexy little black dress to work.

TTTE: Lol. That will do it. Good to see old Jeremy has got eyes after all. Where is he taking you?

Me: French bistro.

TTTE: Oooh la la. So what about Tuesday then?

Me: Sorry can’t, I’ll be doing a complete body overhaul.

TTTE: Hahaha. I’d say that about one of my bikes but not about you. You look great Anna. Just be yourself.

I released a deep breath. Maybe he was right. Why rush around like a headless chicken and stress myself out?

Me: OK, thanks. That’s reassuring. I was feeling exhausted by the thought of all the prep work.

TTTE: Trust me you’re well prepped.

I blushed a bit at that. I was thinking of what to say when another message popped up.

TTTE: You’ll be fine. This is what you want. Go get him! Message me if you need a pep talk on the night.

I frowned. Thomas was being really good about this; he didn’t have to give me moral support, but I was grateful all the same. Maybe he felt responsible since I knew Eleanor.

Me: Are you sure?

TTTE: Yeah, I’ve got nothing else to do so I might as well make myself useful.

Me: OK, thanks, I know I’m going to be nervous.

There was a part of me that wanted to see Thomas again, but I didn’t think it was wise to fit him in for another practice session.

And Thomas, since he hadn’t suggested meeting up tonight, obviously didn’t think so either.

Chapter 14

I did not have to face Jasper the next morning, much to my relief. I had been dreading having to serve him coffee with Arabella’s cries of ecstasy still ringing in my ears. Fortunately, he’d gone out early in his carriage, no doubt to run his lover home, so it was just Sebastian in the dining room.

‘Would you like a roll, sir?’ I asked him. He stared at me blankly for a second.

‘A roll? Good heavens!’

‘Yes, sir, a roll. Some bread?’ I said, proffering a basket of freshly baked ones from Maggie’s oven.

‘Oh, a bread roll!’ He laughed. ‘For a second there, I thought you were propositioning me.’

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