Page 16 of Vanilla Martinis

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“Agreed,” I say, completely satisfied.

Once he’s caught his breath, he cuddles me for a few moments. Then he heads for the bathroom, which is adjacent to the stairs. When he closes the door, I make a grab for my clothes. Pulling them on quickly, I make sure I’m dressed when he returns.

He seems impressed with my decision not to linger in bed. He smiles, reaching for his trousers and pulling them up his legs. “Shall we take a look at your car?”


It’s Saturday before he messages me again.

Christopher: What shift are you working tonight?

Me: Six until closing.

Christopher: Great. I’ll be the one propping up the bar and giving you the come-to-bed eyes.

Me: My sister will be sleeping when I’m done with my shift. You’ll need to be quiet if you want to follow me home.

Christopher: I can be silent. Although the same might not be possible for you. ;)

Me: I can control myself.

Christopher: We will see.

I’m already excited about the possibility of having him over. Last time, it was fun, and there was zero awkwardness. Neither of us lingered after the sex. It felt natural to move on. We both know what this is. Friends with benefits works for us.

Pulling my duvet cover off, I clean up my room. Just because this isn’t a relationship doesn’t mean I want him to think I’m a slob. I freshen my sheets before doing laundry.

Ainsley’s watching TV in the living room when I’m done.

“Hey. I’m going to work in a few minutes,” I say.

She doesn’t look up from her programme. “Okay. I’m going to stay in tonight.” I don’t make any effort to move and, eventually, she turns her head in my direction. “Did you want something else?”

My feet fidget against the carpet. “Erm… I might be coming home with a friend when I’m finished.”

She eyes me suspiciously. “A girl friend?”

I rub the back of my neck before shaking my head. “No. Christopher might stay over.”

“Oh. The farmer?”

“Wait. I didn’t tell you he had a farm.”

She shrugs. “I wouldn’t be a good sister if I didn’t check out the guy you’re interested in.”

Her words bring a smile to my face. Of course, she’s right. We only have each other. If she started dating someone, I’d do the same thing, not that Christopher and I are in a relationship. “What did you find out?” I ask curiously.

“You know, the usual. He has a cute grandpa, he likes horses… hasn’t had a girlfriend since high school. I think she broke his heart.”

I slide onto the sofa next to my sister. “That’s next-level staking. I knew he was close to his grandpa. That was easy enough to find out, but how did you get the juice on his ex?”

“Please.” She rolls her eyes. “I’m a fifteen-year-old girl. I found his ex and stalked her too. Jayne Peters married his best friend.” She covers her mouth like it’s a big scandal.

I get her to show me what she’s talking about. It’s been five years since he left school, and maybe what she’s saying is true, but social media doesn’t cover emotional scars. He might not care that the picture has changed from him and Jayne to her and his friend. Jayne looks happier with the other guy, even though it seems like the time between the two guys was non-existent.

“At least I don’t have to worry about your future career. If gymnastics doesn’t work out, you can join the secret service.”

“Shame I can’t find our mum.” She frowns. Ainsley’s becoming increasingly worried about her. She never called back after the last time, if it was even her, and we have no way to contact her if she doesn’t pick up her phone.

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