Page 11 of Vanilla Martinis

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I’m a little buzzed from the alcohol. Usually, I wouldn’t be bothered because I’d already know how the night would end. Me under a beautiful girl. Nellie’s different, though. If I’m not careful, I’ll scare her off. That’s why I wish my head wasn’t fuzzy.

I buckle into my seat and Nellie just sits staring at the steering wheel. “What’s wrong?” I ask.

“This is how a car is supposed to smell.” She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath in. A happy smile settles on her face that’s contagious. My lips curl up.

“As opposed to what?” I ask.

“Fast food, dirty gym socks, and teen perfume.”

“Remind me to pick my car up early tomorrow before it gets contaminated.” I wink at her, and we both laugh.

“So, where to, Mr McNabb?” she says in a posh accent and pretends to put a hat on.

“My farm is near Barrow Nook. Do you know the area?”

She chews on her lip. “Actually, I Googled you and may already have an idea where we’re going.” She turns to see my reaction.

“So, you have the upper hand on me. Maybe I should’ve looked you up too.”

“There’s nothing to know about me. I’m not interesting.” She shakes her head.

“I beg to differ.” Scrolling through my phone, I try to find her on social media. “Your first name is surprisingly popular. You’re going to have to tell me the rest of your name so I can find you.”

“That’s not going to help you.”

“Why not?”

“Nellie’s my nickname. My real name is Ellen, but nobody calls me that.”

“Then why use it at all?”

She shrugs. “I’m not sure.” She wraps her hand around my phone and takes it from me. It doesn’t take her long to find her account. Once it’s loaded, she sends herself a friend request.

“Thanks,” I say, taking my phone back.

“Shall we go?” she asks.

“Yes.” I nod.

Taking a deep breath, she turns the key. The vibe between us seems calm, so I’m guessing it’s the car that’s making her nervous. She sets off driving well below the speed limit and makes her way through the city centre, towards the outskirts.

“Why does everyone call you Nellie?” I ask.

“My sister gave me the nickname and it stuck. It’s like the elephant from the children’s books. Elephants are known for their good memories and I never forget.” She pauses like she’s lost in a thought. “My mum’s pretty shitty. She never remembered to turn up for school plays or Ainsley’s gymnastic events. I would always go in her place. I’m reliable and never forget my priorities.”

“It’s nice that your sister has you. I’ve no siblings, but I’d like to think I’d be a great big brother.”

“What, by showing him how to wine and dine the girls?” I joke.

“I have other skills. Although, thanks for the compliment. I’m a great date. Why don’t you have a boyfriend?”

“Too much effort. I work a lot and like the freedom to do what I want.” She signals and takes a left.

Reading between the lines, I say, “It sounds like your last boyfriend was a bit of a tool.”

“Yes. He was controlling. To be honest, I wasn’t the best girlfriend. If Ainsley needed me or wanted me to stay home on my day off, I would. A relationship isn’t for me.” She shakes her head.

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