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Chapter Thirty-Four



The urge to cover the city with water from the jug is strong, and I dip my finger into the magic. The blue obsidian colour covers my hand, and I scoop up the liquid. Pouring it over the clam statue, the current picks up. The seawater swirls around the monument, and like kinetic sand, the pieces shift into place.

“I always loved that clam,” my father says.

“Me too.” I spill more magic over the broken city.

“Stop right there,” Neptune says, appearing with his army of traitors from the castle.

“I’m going to remove you from my chair, Neptune,” my father says. The commanding tone stands clear, and I’m glad to have him back to full health.

“You’re outnumbered and have no place here anymore. Guards, kill them,” Neptune says. His men advance on us but soon pause.

“It’s over, Neptune,” the oracle shouts as our own people gather around. We’re no longer just two mer against an army. We’re a city ready to defend what’s ours and our enemy doesn’t look so threatening now.

“Peace needs to be restored to the heart of Atlantis. We don’t need to fight. We need to talk about what will make everyone happy,” I say, thinking of what I’ve learnt about Aquarius and my jug.

“It’s too late for that,” Neptune says. “Did your father tell you I want to bring the families together and get rid of the royals? He didn’t want to share his responsibilities. He’d rather dictate to everyone what they can and can’t do,” Neptune says.

My father has always wanted things to go his own way, and I’ve been a victim of his overbearing rules. Ryn never wanted to marry me, and I’d have known that if my father had allowed us to get to know each other properly.

“Taking the city by force isn’t the answer,” I say.

“Let’s go, men,” Neptune says, unleashing his army on us.

I don’t want this to be the way this ends. We’re all mer, and we should be able to compromise. If listening to what the merfolk want could make the city happier, then that’s what I want to help my dad do.

Mermen on both sides edge forwards with daggers and shields. They start to fight and disorder breaks out, creating a state of confusion. This is the opposite of peace.

I hug my jug tight as I look around at the hate. Being with Kasper gave me the confidence to dream big, and I wish I could apply it to my life under the sea. Instead of joining the fight, I swim up towards the surface. My tears fall and I scoop them into the jug. I can’t allow Atlantis to crumble, but I don’t know what to do.

Before I make it all the way up, I hear voices. “What are you doing out of the city?” Kasper asks, and I turn to face him, not quite believing my ears.

“You came,” I say.

He moves closer and wipes away the fresh tears on my cheeks. “Of course I did.” He kisses my cheek.

“I need you to help me save my family now.” I lean into his body, taking comfort in his presence.

“You’re stronger than you think. You don’t need me, but I want to stand by your side. I want to give you the same gift you gave me by saving your world.”

He grabs my neck and pulls me into a passionate kiss. I allow water to spill from the jug into the water as I drink Kasper in. Blue crystals light up the water as they sink. “Thank you for coming back.”

“It was a group effort. Ryn and Pasha saved us at the airport. Owen didn’t take much convincing either. You’re not alone. People and mer alike love you and will stand by your side.”

“Kasper.” If we’re going to stand side by side in my world, I want him to know how I feel about him.


“I love you as more than a friend.”

“I love you too.” He takes my hand and kisses it before we head back to Atlantis.

I feel more ready to take on the chaos. As we drift lower into the sea, the blue obsidian lights up the water like fireflies. My father and Neptune are beating each other with their bare fists. Mermen are losing their lives all around, and Atlantis is bleeding out. My grip on Kasper becomes my anchor throughout the madness.

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