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“How did you find this?”

“Don’t get mad, but I’ve been searching the clues of Aquarius while I was gone.”

“Did you go on land?”


“I would be angry, but your reckless actions might be the only thing to save us.”

“Drink. It will heal your wounds.”

“Thank you.” He takes the jug and does as I suggest. The blue liquid coats his lips, and his eyes illuminate. His skin glows with new life, and even though I’ve seen the magic happen on Owen, I’m still impressed.

I wish Kasper and his brother were here to help me know what to do. I miss the way we worked as a team. I thought I could do this alone, but now the lack of support around me is making it hard. Even with my father, we’re still only two people.

“Do you know the significance of finding the Aquarius treasure?”

“Yes. I’ve healed two souls,” I say proudly.

“The flood will come, but the true leader will part the waves,” he says cryptically.

“Atlantis is already underwater,” I say, stating the obvious.

“The heart of the city is broken. It’s divided the merfolk and literally split the city in two. It’s a metaphorical flood of hate, and the prophecy says the jug bearer will bring Atlantis back together. That’s you, Maris, and I’m proud of you.”

“Who told you that?” I jerk my head back in surprise.

“When I was made king, the oracle gave me a gift. I’ve always known this day was predicted. I knew you’d save the city, I just didn’t know how.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too. Now, let’s go save the city.”


“By healing the heart.”

With the jug under my arm and my father holding my hand, we navigate through the tunnels, ready to take back our city. Atlantis will be restored to its glory, and we will win back what’s truly ours.

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