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Chapter Thirty



“Renounce the throne, Cyrus, and this will be all over,” my father shouts as electric eels make contact with the king’s torso. He lets out a scream of pain but doesn’t say anything. “Again,” my dad says, and they slither around to approach their victim.

“Is this necessary?” I ask. I’ve never seen anyone be tortured before, and I wouldn’t wish this on my mortal enemy.

“Are you questioning my judgement?” My father turns to look at me.

“This is intense to watch.”

“Then leave.” He turns his back and waves his hands towards the eels to signal they should carry on. I swim forward, but Ryn grabs hold of me, shaking his head as a warning.

“We can’t do nothing,” I whisper.

“Remember your loyalty,” Ryn says. He doesn’t mean to my father. He’s trying to make me see the consequences of my actions. I stop fighting him and relax into him for support.

“Let’s take a swim,” I say.

We almost make the door when my father speaks. “If you can’t stomach this, maybe you should have a long, hard think before you come back.”

The oracle warned me he would test me. I just hadn’t realised how brutal it would be.

Changing direction, I avoid Ryn’s protest and swim right up to my father. “Is hurting people what you like to do?” I ask.

“Only when I have to,” my dad says. His expression tightens into a grimace.

“You could literally take his crown off his head and put it on your own.”

“The throne wouldn’t truly be mine then.”

“It won’t be if you get him to agree under false pretences either.”

“Then what do you suggest? I want the throne. I’m the rightful king. How do you think I should get it?”

“If the merfolk want you to rule, then you will be in charge.”

“If only it was that simple. Once the crown truly belongs to me, it won’t matter who the merfolk want. They’ll have me. Again!” He shouts the last part, and the eels do their thing. I’m so close I can smell the electrical current burning its victim. I fight not to shudder, but it’s hard as an overwhelming distaste for my father sinks in. How can the oracle question my loyalty? There is no choice to be made here, and I can’t support this evil man.

A loud horn stops me from making my move as angler fish flood into the room. The throne room plummets into darkness, except for the last lash of the electric eels. I involuntarily flinch away from them. The sharp teeth of the angler fish could easily rip through my skin, never mind the threat behind me. My heart feels like it’s going to jump out of my chest as it beats erratically. I’m light-headed, but I must stay focused. The fishes’ bioluminescent rods light up, and the pretty but deadly animals circulate the room. The screams that follow send shudders down my spine and into my fin. What’s going on?

The electric eels swim to my father’s side in front of me, and I can either go after them or help the king. I’m not sure whose side the angler fish are on, but in a snap decision, I realise the king needs me above everything else, but he’s shackled to the floor. It doesn’t matter how much I tug the chains, I’m not strong enough to free him.

“Use the fish,” the king says to me.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“Lure one towards the chain.”

With poor sight of my surroundings, the thought sounds terrifying, despite the fact I worked with them on the light show. There’s panic all around me, echoed my painful screams. I breathe in sharp gulps of water. I have to be brave and do the right thing.

Edging towards one of the fish, I whisper, “Hi, little lady. Do you think you can help me?” Her mouth opens suddenly, making me jump. I point towards the king, hoping I’m not about to lose a finger.

The sound of her teeth grating against the metal sends a shudder through me, and the high frequency attracts other fish to help. Soon, the king is free. He’s not quick to swim off, and I realise it’s because of his wounds. I grab hold of his arm and help him to the exit, where I find Ryn.

“You could’ve given me a hand. Take his other arm and help me,” I say.

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