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“We have a mermaid, but who will she fall in love with?” Owen asks.

The cartoon begins to cry, and tiny stars shoot down her face like fireworks.

I scope around, looking for her lover. She can’t be sad and alone because that’s not how this story has been going. The jug of Aquarius comes to life next, and the man who carries it. I think this might be Ganymede because he’s the owner of the jug in Greek mythology. He catches the mermaid’s tears until she stops crying. Even though Ganymede was taken by Zeus, did he find his soulmate amongst the stars? The mermaid and the man kiss, and shooting stars fly over their picture until it blurs away. Owen’s holding the last piece of the jug once the image in the sky disappears.

“Wow. That was amazing,” Owen says.

“Yes. We can finally put this together.” Kasper picks up the other bits.

“Do you think it will glue itself together?” I ask.

“There’s only one way to find out.”

We lay the pieces out and try to fit them together.

“You’ve been across land and sea. I bet a little bit of ocean water and sand might help,” Owen says.

“It’s worth a shot,” Kasper agrees.

We scoop up wet sand close to the sea and use it to hold the jug together. The blue obsidian starts to glow and runs into the cracks of the pieces.

“It’s working,” I say. I’m filled with excitement.

The jug lifts into the air, spinning on an axis. Sand grains, water from the sea, and light from the stars all circulate like magic around us. Once the jug solidifies, it moves towards me and rests in my hands. It’s like it’s chosen me as the new keeper, even though I’m not the one who needs it. Or at least, I don’t think I am.

Owen leans over me to inspect the contents. “It’s empty. What do we fill it with? Ocean water?”

“Mermaid tears,” Kasper says. We both look to him. “The jug chose you. It makes sense your essence makes it work.”

A sense of pride washes over me. Finding the jug has been amazing, but to know I’ll be the one to make the magic work is special. “This feels unreal, and I’m so happy we did it.” I fill up with emotions and tears spill down my cheeks. Kasper and Owen kiss my face, making me smile. “I want to save you, Owen.”

“I never thought it was possible. When Kasper brought you home, I knew you would change everything,” Owen says.

Kasper runs his finger over my happy tears and picks them up. He runs his hand over the rim of the jug, and it rings, almost like a glass filled with water. The inside fills with blue sparkly liquid. I pass the jug to Owen, and he drinks from it. The blue of his eyes brightens as he sweeps up into the air. The magic spins him around and light beams out of his hands and feet. When he comes back down to Earth, his skin looks healthier, his muscles are tighter, and his hair looks silky smooth.

“Wow. How do you feel?” I ask.

“Like a new man,” Owen says. The joy on his face gives me a buzz.

“You look like one too.”

“Hey, stop ogling my brother,” Kasper says.

“He looks good.” I smile.

“He does.”

“Thank you. Both of you. I owe you my life,” Owen says. His voice shakes as he struggles to get his words out. A happy tear slides down his face.

“What are you going to do now?” I ask.

“I’m going back to England, and I’m going to live my life to the fullest. I want to get married and buy a big house. I want to earn an honest living.”

“You’ve got to find someone who will have you first,” Kasper says, laughing, and Owen rolls his eyes.

I love seeing them like this. The sadness between them brought them down, and now it’s lifted. It’s amazing to think I was part of that.

“I’m going to sweep some unexpecting person off their feet,” Owen says.

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