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Chapter Twenty-Eight



It would be so much easier if our every move wasn’t being watched. I have a chance to spend real time with Pasha, but the guards are cramping my style. I lie on one of the lounge chairs, trying not to doze off. If I thought life was a little dull before the king was overthrown, it definitely is now. All the staff have been sent home to pursue their dreams, which means the food’s not being cooked, the pillows aren’t getting replenished, and the place looks like a wild animal ransacked it. There are even piles of fish bones left on the floor. “Do you think we should go out for a swim?” I ask Pasha, needing to get out of here.

She looks up from her book. “I was hoping to finish this chapter.”

“You can read anytime. It’s not like there’s much else to do around here.”

“I’m enjoying the freedom. Usually, I’d have chores to do, and my mum wants me to get a job at the shell factory.” She touches the book to find her place.

“Some jobs are supposed to be done. Look at the state of this throne room. You can’t honestly be enjoying this.” I wave towards the empty plates and fish bones.

“If you’re so bothered by the mess, why don’t you clean it up?” She forcefully throws down the book.

“I didn’t make it.” I shake my head.

“No, that’s right. You’ve lived a privileged life.”

“Why are you trying to fall out with me? All I asked was if you wanted to go for a walk.”

“I’m sorry. I guess I’m just worried. Maybe we should go for that walk.” She looks at the guards.

When we step outside, they don’t follow us, and I’m relieved. “It’s intense in there,” I say, rubbing my head.

“You’re right, it is intense in there, but when it’s all over, we’re going to be apart, and I’m sick of pretending with us. One minute we’re pretending we’re not in love, and now we’re pretending we are. I don’t want to do it anymore, Ryn.”

“The king has freed me from my engagement to Maris. I can date who I like.”

“I never understood why the king disliked me so much, but now I do. It doesn’t change the fact you’re a royal and I’m not, though. My father has put the king in jail, so I doubt he’ll accept us as mates. The only way this ends for me is badly. I won’t be welcome in the royal court if my father’s overturned, and I dread to think what will happen if he’s not.”

“You’re going to help fix the problem. The king will see you’re nothing like your father.”

“Is that true, though?”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t want to see lesser merfolk have to slave over the king.”

“Have you ever thought that the people who serve the king do it because they see they’re doing something they can be proud of?”

“Do you truly believe that?”

“You don’t have to take my word for it. I can prove it.” I’ve talked to the staff before, and I consider some of them my friends. One mermaid comes to mind who I don’t think would mind me calling on her.

“Okay. Let’s see it, then.”

“First, I think we should circle the square to make sure we’re not being followed.”

“Did you not see the guard hiding behind the clam statue, pretending to read the newspaper?”

“Damn it. You should’ve told me. I would’ve been more careful with my words.”

“He probably thinks we’re just having a spat.”

“Shall we split up?”

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