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“What is it?” I ask, needing her to clarify.

Pasha tries to answer, but Ryn cuts her off. “We’re just fooling around, Princess.”

Pasha’s face instantly drops into a scowl. I think there’s more to their relationship than a few kisses.

“How could you?” Pasha says with a shaking voice. A tear falls down her cheek.

“I’m the victim here,” I say, although I’m more shocked than angry.

“Poor Maris… Poor Maris. You’re a princess and get to marry the most beautiful mer in the sea.” Her tone is cruel, but I can also hear a hint of sadness.

“I’m not going to marry him now,” I say, unable to hide how insulted I feel. And why is she trying to make me out to be the bad guy?

“I’ll stop seeing her. You’re the one I want,” Ryn says, moving away from Pasha and a little closer to me.

“Yesterday, you couldn’t get away from me fast enough. Were you together all night?” I think back to them disappearing about the same time. I feel like a fool for not seeing the signs. When I think about it, they’ve both been acting strangely for a while.

“I’m sorry,” Ryn says, scratching his neck.

“You should be ashamed of yourselves, both of you.” I don’t wait for them to answer before getting away from the toxicity. The pain I should be feeling never comes, but the anger makes my tail curl. I rush to my father to tell him what’s happened. He’s out in the statue garden when I arrive.

“Father,” I say when I approach.

“What’s the matter? Why are you in yesterday’s shells? Have you been to bed?”

“I’ve been out to a shipwreck. I saw Ryn and Pasha kissing.” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I realise I’ve made a mistake.

My dad’s face turns an angry shade of purple. “What shipwreck? Do you know how dangerous those places can be? What if a lifeboat had found you? I forbid you from leaving the city. What were you thinking?” he shouts.

If I wasn’t so worked up, I wouldn’t have revealed my secret, but I don’t correct his assumption about it being a new sunken ship.

“Did you hear me? The wedding’s off,” I sob. He’s missing the point of my confession.

“We’ll talk about this when you’ve calmed down.”

I need him to understand I’m not backing down. “There’s nothing to say.” I cross my arms over my chest.

“Go to your room.” He points towards my quarters. My dad’s always been strict, but he’s always listened to me.

“I’m not marrying him,” I say, hoping he’ll agree with me.

“You’ll do as I tell you.”

I bite down on my lip until it starts to sting. My anger turns to hurt as tears well up in my eyes. He’s not considering my feelings. When my father told me I was to be mated with Ryn, I was crushing hard. I never thought I’d regret not having a choice. I turn my back to my dad and head towards my room. Instead of going inside, I do the one thing he told me not to. I leave the city in search of peace of mind.

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