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Chapter Eighteen



My heart is in my throat by the time we reach Blake House. I’m never letting Pasha out of my sight again once I find her. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but worrying about someone you love is far worse. I’ve tried to play down my feelings and now I’m full of regret. She doesn’t know I even like her. I’m going out of my mind and I need to fix this.

Isaac pulls up at the black iron gate of Blake House and cuts the engine. “What now?” I ask, taking in the huge white house.

“We need to get out of the car and stand with our hands up so they know we’re not a threat.”

“Okay.” We do as he suggested, but there’s no sign that anyone is paying attention. “Shouldn’t we ring the doorbell or something?”

“Blake House will be the judge of who can enter.”

I frown, letting my arms drop a fraction. “Why are you talking like that?”

“I’ve tried to get an audience with the owner for years with no luck.”

“Then how are we going to get inside?” I grit my teeth. If Pasha’s here, I need to see her.

“Like I said. We have to wait.”

I throw my hands out to the sides. “How long?”

“As long as it takes.”

I’m practically pulling my hair out and ready to scale the wall by the time the gate opens. “Finally,” I say. I look at Isaac, who shakes his head, warning me not to move.

A man leaves the house and walks towards us. He takes out a magnifying glass and looks into the irises of our eyes. I thought Isaac was freaky, but this guy takes it to a new level. What could he be looking for?

“You can come in, but your friend must wait here,” he says to me.

“Look, man, I’m just looking for my girlfriend. Has a tall brunette by the name of Pasha stopped by recently?”

“You idiot. You’ve just shown your whole hand,” Isaac says.

“If she’s in there, how am I going to get her out on my own with you waiting outside?” I ask.

“Good question. Why don’t you go find out?”

I rub my head. My frustration turns into fear. Isaac doesn’t exactly sell the human world as a friendly place. The first time he caught me on land, he started to tempt me with things I could only dream of, but there was always a price.

The guy hasn’t answered my question and doesn’t look like he’s going to. Isaac can’t help me anymore, and I have no choice but to enter Blake House with the stranger.

The iron gate closes behind us and Issacs’s tyres screech. The asshole has left me here.

We go inside, and the guy leads me into the back garden. He’s older than me and has white strands mixed in with his brown hair. He looks athletic but he wouldn’t be a match for me. There are people everywhere once we’re outside, and I’d have to run fast if they picked a fight with me. I look around, but I can’t see Pasha. Blake House doesn’t look like the cults I’ve seen on TV. This place is more like a holiday resort. He leads me into a small hut and gestures for me to take a seat. I tap my knee, hoping I’m given answers soon.

“I’m Neptune,” a guy says when someone finally comes back. He’s also an older guy with white in his hair.

“Where’s Pasha?” I ask.

“Don’t worry. She’s safe.”

“Please let me see her.”

“I will in a moment. First, I have some questions. You told the guard she’s your girlfriend.”

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