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Chapter Seventeen



For two days, we’ve been walking the beaches of Brazil. Don’t get me wrong, I love spending time with Maris, but when are we going to find a clue? I need to get back to my brother, not feel like I’m on a romantic getaway.

“I think I’ve found something,” Maris says.

“Where?” I look around. We’ve been standing next to each other the whole time, so what could I have missed?

“We have a god who stood before us with his hands out wide.”

“Yes, but he isn’t a Greek god.”

“Who says he has to be? Aquarius features in the Bible.”

“Are you saying I need to believe in Jesus?”

“We’re not talking about your spiritual path. Although, that’s kind of what the text said. If you believe in him, water will flow out of his body. We’re standing on Copacabana Beach looking at the guy in question. That must be the sign.” She points to the statue of Jesus Christ at Corcovado. It looks much smaller than when I visited it up close a couple of years ago, but she’s right. We are in the presence of a god.

“I was hoping for some tiny stars.” The blue obsidian and star-like holes in the cave were so much simpler than trying to align the stars with the ocean and landscape.

“You have them in the sky.” She’s confident she’s right, and it’s sexy to see her like this.

“The other two clues were easier.”

She shrugs. “I told you we almost kissed both times.”

“There you go, trying to seduce me again.” I laugh. At least it’s not just me thinking in a non-platonic way.

“You’re impossible.” She shakes her hands like she’s pretending to be mad, but her smile gives her away.

“What you’re saying is the jug needs romance under Aquarius.” I pick a shell up from the sand and pass it to her.

“Do you have any better ideas, Mr Pessimistic?”

“I’m not that bad.” Here I was thinking we were flirty when she shuts me down for being gloomy. I guess a shell isn’t really romantic, even for a mermaid.

“Okay.” I playfully nudge her leg with my foot.

“What?” She smiles in that beautiful way she does when she’s being mischievous.

“Tonight, you and I are going to kiss until your lips are swollen,” I say boldly. My dick twitches and my pulse quickens.

“I thought you couldn’t control yourself.”

If I let my dick do the talking, then she’s right, but I’d never hurt her. I couldn’t because she’s too important to me. “Maybe I’m not as bad as I made out. I was trying to protect your innocence.”

She lets out a weird laugh. “You worry about yourself and leave me to seduce men who aren’t interested.”

Anger flashes through me. Her ex really did a number on her if that’s what she thinks. “Don’t do that. Ryn was an asshole, but there are good guys out there.”

“But not you.”

She’s making me want to be better, and once this is over, I won’t be playing games with women again, but I have to be truthful. “Nope, not me. I’ll be honest with you. When we find the jug and save my brother, I’m going to move back to England. If you’re okay with that, I’ll give you as much or as little of myself as you want.”

“Why?” She frowns. I’m unsure what she’s asking at first, but I want her to know she’s not just some girl to me.

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