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Chapter Fifteen



Relaxing under the stars in Brazil is magical. After sending a call out to some friends, we got a ride to Rio de Janeiro. Once the dolphins left us on the beach, it was late, so we made a campfire and I caught us some fish.

“I thought the marine life were your friends,” Kasper says.

“Yes, they are, and we only eat certain kinds of food, not our friends,” I reply.

“I guess that’s like on land. We have pets here, and they’re family, not food.”

“Do you think you’ll have a pet when you move back to England?”

“Not unless my brother wants one. I’d like a steady job instead of having to hide all the time.”

We eat the fish and disregard the bones.

“Why did the authorities what to speak with you?”

“I already told you. I’ve done things I’m not proud of. My past is finally catching up with me, and I’ve probably outstayed my welcome in Haiti.”

“I’m guessing there’s no chance of you visiting me, then?”

“Aww. Do you think you’ll miss me, princess?”

“Yes. You’ve been the most real person with me.”

“I’m sure you’ll find your place when you return home. Do you think your father will be worried about you?”

“He’s probably going out of his mind.” We lie down, staring at the stars.

“Then why did you continue this journey with me?”

“Because I’m angry he still wants me to marry Ryn, and he needs to know I can make my own decisions. While I’m on land, I’m not under his ruling, and I need this space as much as he does.”

“And what if you’re wrong and he doesn’t let you leave his side again?”

“I’m no longer going to let anyone tell me what to do. I’m old enough to shape my own future.”

“You’re cute when you’re bossy.”

“I prefer the term assertive.”

“Okay, Miss Independent, what’s your plan for getting the next piece of the jug?”

“The Aquarius constellation is right there.” I point to the stars in the sky, then to the screwed-up drawing that got damaged on the way here. “See.”

“We have the sea, sand, and stars. Maybe the piece will just appear.”

“That would be lucky. I have noticed something else happens when we get a piece.”

“Oh, yeah. What’s that?”

“It might be nothing, but have you noticed we always seem close when we uncover a secret?”

“We’re always together?”

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