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“I love my brother. I don’t need anyone else.”

“I think you’re wrong.” Everyone needs love in their heart to be truly happy, and I don’t mean just family.

“It’s Owen that needs saving, not me.”

“We’ll see.” I’m not worldly or experienced, but he’s not making fun of me. I feel comfortable around Kasper, even after he turned down my advances.

He grabs hold of my waist and spins me around. “Oh, will we?”

“Yes. Love makes the world go around. It’s even written in the stars.”

“Where’s the evidence?”

“Zeus kidnapped Ganymede because he liked him.”

He laughs. “If that’s your idea of love, I think it’s you who needs to protect your heart and stop daydreaming.”

“He loved him so much he made him a permanent fixture in the sky.”

“Zeus made him a server to the gods. He’s basically a glorified waiter.”

It makes me think of Ryn and Pasha. Could their situation be similar? Ryn’s supposed to marry a royal or it would be frowned upon, but does he wish things were different? If he could be with Pasha, would they have told me? “Maybe Zeus couldn’t make Ganymede his equal and making him the water bearer was the next best thing.”

“I wouldn’t want to be second-rate, and I wouldn’t let anyone make me feel that way.”

“Neither would I.” That’s why I can’t marry Ryn, and the reason all my feelings turned to sadness when I realised he didn’t like me in that way. He was never truly mine, and I can forgive Pasha for following her heart. I just wish she’d come to me. When I get back from this trip, I’m going to make up with her properly.

“Where did you go just then?”

“I was thinking about Pasha. I should really talk to her.”

“You should if she’s like family to you.”

“She is.” I smile sadly.

“Come on. Let’s get back to Owen and make a plan to visit Brazil.” I’m glad about the subject change.

“What makes you think that’s where we need to be?”

“It’s in the southern hemisphere, and Brazil borders onto the Atlantic Ocean.”

“I’ve never been that far south before.” It’s both scary and exciting.

“Do you still want to come with me, or are you going back home?”

“I’m not turning back now.”

“Good, because I need you on this.”

Warmth fills my chest. I like feeling wanted, especially by him. “Maybe. Maybe not. But you don’t have any choice.”

* * *

“Did you miss us?” Kasper asks with a big smile. His brother is sitting in his usual chair. He looks really well, and he even has colour in his face.

“I hope you’ve been looking after Maris,” Owen says, returning his smile.

“It’s good to see you’ve perked up.” Kasper pats him on the back. “Maris is keeping me busy, and we have another piece of the jug.”

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