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“What now?”

“I don’t know. See if there’s a button or something.”

We spend almost an hour trying to solve the secrets of the cave, but it’s no use. If Maris solved this riddle, she did better than us. I just hope wherever she is, she’s safe. I lie on the seabed, feeling defeated.

“Do you think we should tell the king Maris is missing?” Ryn asks.

“No. We’ll give her some time and see if she shows up.”

“Okay. We’ll do this your way. I’m not waiting here, but come find me when she gets back.”

He leaves me to consider my options. A couple of hours later, I’m still no closer to finding Maris or understanding the cave. I don’t want to stay here all night, so I head home. The feeling in my stomach doesn’t settle, and I vow to return to the cave tomorrow.

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