Page 119 of Savage Lover

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I narrow my eyes once more. “I don’t even know where the stairs are in this castle. How am I supposed to know where our bedroom is?”

Ben spins me in his arms but continues to hold me tightly to his chest. He leans down and whispers in my ear. “The clock starts now.”

Then he gives me a little shove.

I shake my head and toss an eye roll over my shoulder before hurrying back down the hallway we came in. I jog up the main stairs and find my new bedroom without much difficulty. It’s the master suite at the end of the wide hallway with the doors flung open.

The inside is so perfectly Ben that I know without even having to think it that I won’t be changing a single thing about it. It smells like the woodsy, pine essence of him, with deep green rugs and dark brown leather furniture. Even the headboard is leather. The bed is made perfectly with a magnificent forest green down duvet and a folded throw so fuzzy and cozy looking that I almost toss myself on it and wrap up like a burrito.

But then I remember my task.

The ensuite is the size of my apartment on Faraday, with a walk-in shower complete with four shower heads and steam nozzles. It’s open to the rest of the room with drains in the green tile floor. I kick on all the shower heads to hot and strip off my Pilates clothes, tossing them on the leather love seat just outside the bathroom.

When I stand in the very center of the shower, all four waterfall shower heads pouring down on me at once, I close my eyes and moan in pure pleasure.

“That’s what I like to hear.”

I open my eyes and wipe the water away, watching Ben approach through the steam. He’s naked as well, and hard as a rock, erection bouncing with every step.

He steps into the water and pulls me to his chest. We’re quiet for a long moment like that, allowing the hot water to soak us.

Finally, I can’t stand it any longer. “What game are we playing?”

Ben pulls my face from his chest and wipes the water away from my eyes and cheeks. More rushes into its place. “No game.”

“No game?” I whisper, holding his deep, dark gaze.

He shakes his head. “No game. Just you and me.”

I’m not sure how to start so I wait, letting my hands drift over his naked body. Ben does the same. The sensation of his smooth, wet skin under my fingers merges with the feeling of him touching me in the same soft, loving way. The tears start to rise once more. I don’t think Ben will notice with the sheer volume of water already pouring down my face as I stand tucked into his chest under the shower heads, but he does.

“If these ever become tears of sadness or fear or unhappiness, you tell me, okay?”

I nod.

He wipes his thumbs under my eyes and smiles down at me. “I feel it, too. I want you to know that. The feeling that makes you cry while you smile like this, I feel it.”

Which, of course, only makes the tears bubble up faster as I smile up at him.

After a long moment, he breaks our stare to lean over and grab a bright green loofah, holding it under a built-in nozzle on the marble wall. The automatic dispenser offers a squirt of what I can already smell is lavender body wash. Ben lathers it in his hands and starts to wash me, beginning at my shoulders and continuing until he’s kneeling before me, rubbing soap in between each of my toes with his fingers.

The continuous stream of water from overhead does a great job of rinsing me as I stand and watch him, so by the time he’s done, I’m relatively soap free and he’s kneeling in a pile of bubbles. I can tell the second his soft, loving caress turns to something more. His fingers press harder as he drags them back up my legs, leaning in close to follow behind with his lips, pressing kisses in a line leading up toward my hips.

He touches down between my legs first with the tip of his tongue, a little hello to my nerves that makes me gasp.

“Sit,” Ben says, and I glance backward toward the built-in bench on the wall behind me. I slowly back toward it, not taking my eyes off the man before me, crawling on his hands and knees to follow me there.

“You know, I could get used to seeing you on your knees.” It’s a joke, but Ben isn’t laughing.

“You will.”

I gasp again as he pushes my knees apart, baring me fully to him. I lean back in the sloped seat and watch as he grazes his lips up and down both of my thighs, nearly reaching my center, but pulling away each time.


“You have no idea.”

It’s true. As fully and completely in love with this man as I am, he was right before when he said we have a lot to learn about each other in real life.

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