Page 76 of Salvation

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“So much for losing them,” Memphis mutters. “They’ll be here soon.”

Denver nods grimly. “And we’ll be ready. This ends today.”



Roger Castle and his team don’t attack us outright. I almost wish they had—I’m no stranger to combat, and it would give me an excuse to unleash my wrath on them. After what they did to my Omega, frankly, I’d love nothing more than to erase these assholes from the face of the earth. I wouldn’t even need my rifle. Just my fists would be enough to make Grayson wish he’d never been born.

But it’s not what Brooklyn wants.

I promised I’d try to talk things out first, and there’s nothing I wouldn’t give her if she asked me. So I hold my position, gun trained on the men in front of me, waiting for them to speak. Memphis stands at my side, crossbow in hand. Camden’s slightly behind us, closer to Brooklyn.

The Castles spared no expense hiring mercenaries. I don’t recognize the ten hired guns before me, but their equipment and body language let me know they’re pros. They let Grayson lead them, though he clearly hasn’t spent even a minute on a battlefield. He’s just the boss’s son, giving the flimsy illusion of authority.

Bringing up the rear is Roger Castle himself. The Brioni suit is long gone, but his athletic wear fits him better than I expected. He has no problem keeping pace with his hired guns. He’d be a formidable opponent under other circumstances. Right now, though, he doesn’t scare me. Not with my Pack behind me, not with our Omega on the line.

Right now, we’re the most dangerous predators for miles. Because we’re ready to wreak havoc to protect what’s ours.

Grayson moves to the side, eliminating our high ground advantage. Now, both our group and theirs have the caves to one side and the gaping ravine to the other. The mercenaries fall into position behind Grayson, guns at the ready, their attention focused. We stare at each other silently while Roger Castle strides to join his son at the front. He’ll be leading the negotiations himself, apparently.

“I see you’ve found my daughter, gentlemen,” he says coolly. “But you seem to have forgotten the second part of your assignment—returning her home.”

“We’ve been meaning to tell you, Castle,” I say. “We quit. You can keep your money—Brooklyn doesn’t want to go back with you.”

Roger cocks his head to the side. “Where exactly do you intend to take her, then?”

I shrug one shoulder. “Wherever she wants to go. She’s a grown woman.”

“Yet legally, she’s under my protection. She’s an unbonded Omega, and it’s my duty to keep her from being taken advantage of by Alphas like the three of you. That’s right—I can smell exactly what you did to my darling girl. I gave you suppressants, but you obviously decided that instead of taking them, you’d force yourself on a vulnerable Omega in heat.”

Behind me, I hear Camden snarl. Then, to my surprise, Brooklyn speaks.

“That’s not what happened.” Her voice is small but clear. I can’t imagine how much strength it must take from her to talk back to Roger Castle, and my heart glows with pride.

“I know it seems like that, honey,” Castle says. “You’re too inexperienced to know better. I think it’s best for all of us if you just come home now, Brooklyn. I’m willing to let it all go if you’re safe. Otherwise, I’d hate to have to tell the world how these men took advantage of you. I imagine it might be difficult for them to find work once their true natures are known. Their lives might become…difficult.”

Brooklyn hisses in a breath, and my blood goes cold. I should have known this would be Castle’s game. He’s blackmailing Camden, Memphis and me, promising to ruin our lives if we don’t hand her over. The other Alphas and I don’t care—it’s worth a hit to our reputations if it means she’s safe and happy.

But Brooklyn cares.

The same sacrifices we’d make for her, she’d make for us. She’ll happily go right back to the Castle mansion if she thinks it means she’s saved us.

Well, I’m not fucking having it.

“Do whatever you want, Castle,” I hiss. “I’m not sending Brooklyn to be raped and caged.”

For the first time, Roger Castle’s expression wavers. Hearing the truth said so plainly, in front of his employees, has penetrated whatever lies he told himself. He quickly gathers himself.

“I don’t know what you think happened to Brooklyn, but you’ve been misinformed,” he says. “I’m only trying to protect her. That’s all I ever wanted.”

“What a fucking crock of shit,” Memphis spits. “You let your asshole son assault her and force a bond on her. Once she’s home, you won’t protect her. You’ll let him breed her and torture her, just like he did during her first heat.”

Grayson stiffens. I suspect Roger told his son to be quiet while he took the lead, but apparently Memphis set him off.

“Don’t make me laugh,” Grayson says. “The Omega loved every minute of it. She begged me to knot her—just ask her. She loved having my knot in her, and she’s mine by right.” He shoots me what he clearly thinks is a roguish smile. He just looks like a delusional, cocky little asshole to me.

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