Page 75 of Salvation

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Once we’ve disguised our scents as much as we can, I lead us back to camp. My heart leaps a little as I see our shelter—another home I’ll be leaving behind. Another safe haven destroyed by my evil family. Part of me aches to just crawl back in my nest, curl up and hope they just leave us alone.

Then Camden shoots me a lopsided smile, like he understands how much it hurts for me to leave this place. Just that look gives me the strength to keep going. This time, I’m not alone—my Alphas are looking out for me.

Denver grabs his pack, which looks half empty. At my quizzical look, he says, “Water filter, flashlight, first aid, matches. Just the essentials, so we won’t be slowed down.”

But that’s not all. He’s also thrown his rifle over his shoulder. Memphis has grabbed his crossbow, and Camden his ax. It hits me that weapons are now part of the essentials.

Memphis shoots me a look, raising his crossbow slightly. By now, I can read his quiet gestures so easily that I know exactly what he’s asking.

The Alphas want my permission to use violence against my family.

Thinking about someone being hurt because of me turns my stomach. But if I have to choose between them and my Alphas, the answer is easy.

I nod. “Only if you have to.”

We don’t waste more time at camp. Already, wildfire smoke has started thickening the air. It’s too late to worry that it’s grown out of control; at this point, there’s nothing we can do. If we’re lucky, Grayson might lose our scents in the smoke. Not that we’ve had much luck today.

For the first hour, we’re silent, focusing on speed above all. The Alphas pass Denver’s pack between them, so not even the weight of a few pounds will slow them down too much. I’m able to quiet my thoughts, focusing only on what’s directly in front of me.

Soon, we’re going downhill—the final descent before we climb back up to the caves. Smoke filters down into the valley, making me cough. My eyes grow cloudy with tears, a combination of smoke and the emotion finally hitting me. After a year of running, now Grayson is closer to me than he’s ever been. If he catches me, I’ll be right back where I started. And now that he knows what I’m capable of, he’ll never give me another chance to run.

I feel a large hand on my shoulder. “Here,” Denver says, offering me his bandana. “Tie it around your mouth, it should help with the smoke.”

I turn my head, trying to keep him from seeing my emotion. It doesn’t work—he’s too observant.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, his authoritative voice gone soft with concern. Camden and Memphis stop, too, and I want to yell at them to keep going. We can’t afford to lose time just because I’m upset. Even now, Grayson and his team could be right behind us, ready to snatch me away forever.

To my horror, I burst into tears, sobbing loudly. “I’m sorry,” I choke out. “I-I shouldn’t. H-he’s…”

“Shhh.” Denver brushes my tears away with his hand. “You’re alright, princess. Nobody else could make it this far without breaking down. You’ve been so strong. We all think so.”

Memphis mumbles an agreement, while Camden gives me a supportive smile.

I try to say something, to explain what broke me to them. “G-Grayson. He’s going to—going to—” I can barely stutter out the words.

Memphis’s hands tighten on his crossbow. “Don’t you worry about him,” he growls. “We’ll protect you. That motherfucker is never touching you again.”

“No goddamn way,” Camden echoes, and I can’t help but giggle at his expression. Rage just looks so out of place on his friendly, open face. Denver chuckles, too, and even Memphis’s mouth curves up at the corner. The shared moment is enough to make my tears stop.

I let Denver tie on the bandana for me and we keep going. Cam grumbles occasionally about us underestimating him, which only makes me smile more widely.

Sooner than I expected, we’ve made it back to the cave. Now that I’m seeing the area in sunlight instead of rain, I realize how close it really is to the ravine. Without the log bridge, there’s no way for us to cross.

Denver sets down his pack and surveys the area.

“Now we wait,” he says quietly. “Hopefully, they were thrown off our trail. But if they find us, this is as good a place as any to end it. We’ve got the high ground—we’ll see them coming and be ready to attack.”

“We’ll try to talk first, though. Right?” I say.

Denver’s expression softens. “Of course, princess.”

We sit down to rest and wait. Camden picks us some berries from a bush he saw the last time we were here. Memphis and Denver keep their weapons raised and ready.

It’s not long before I catch the scent of oversweet, rotten fruit.


I can tell by the Alphas’ faces that I’m not the only one who scents them.

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