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“What do you mean?” Words were just as hard for Julia to focus on, just as hard for her lips to form letters.

“For a woman,” Keegan scoffed, “you know nothing about women.”

“Harsh!” Julia threw a pillow at her. Keegan barely caught it as it bounced off her lap.

As the clock ticked towards midnight, a knock on the door interrupted their conversation. Ben, Keegan’s husband, smiled from the other side of the glass flanking the door. Laughing and stumbling, they made their way to Ben’s car with Julia guiding them.

“To be continued.” Keegan giggled as she tried to stand. “You’re not off the hooky hook. Not in the least, Julia Marie Jenner.”

Julia walked her to the door. Ben reached out a helping hand, and they both stumbled with her to the front seat of the Tahoe.

“Sorry.” Julia grinned as she handed her friend off. Ben just shook his head with a smile, knowing all too well they needed it.

Chapter Nine

Julia awoke early Monday morning, unusually before her obnoxious alarm. It wasn’t that she had enough sleep–she was awake for more than half of the night–she was excited for change. She’s functioned on autopilot the entire last year, going through the motions and dodging the punches as they came. A break from normalcy could be just what she needed. Seeing Erin again was a bonus too, more so than she’d ever admit.

By the time Erin strolled in, one hour earlier than expected, Julia was there for at least thirty minutes. She stood talking to Keegan at the front desk, laughing about how Ben made a valiant attempt to carry her up the stairs at their home the previous night as she continuously stumbled.

“It’s impressive to have the skill to fall up a flight of stairs,” Julia laughed, holding a yellow folder stuffed with color-coded schedules and faculty contacts to her chest.

“He should have left me on the couch.”

Meanwhile, in the doorway, Erin stood frozen. Julia’s gaze lifted to meet Erin’s, taking in her well-tailored suit, fitted to her curves. Her hair flowed in natural, beachy waves, artfully parted to the side. It blended so beautifully with the gray color of her outfit and the darkness of her heels. She wore mauve lipstick, forcing her tan skin to pop against its paleness.

“Oh!” Erin stammered, momentarily taken aback. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize anyone else would be here so early.”

“We’re early birds here at Kleinton.” Julia’s smile widened as she continued, “do you often make a habit of breaking into unfamiliar schools so early?”

Erin’s smile matched Julia’s as she interrupted, twirling the ID badge and keys she had been given the day before around her finger. “If only you hadn’t given me a key.”

“Fair point,” Keegan replied, standing from the desk. “I know we briefly had an introduction Friday and the phone call Saturday, but I’m sure you’ve met a lot of people since then. I’m Keegan Marrow, Dr. Jenner’s assistant.”

“Erin Calanis.”

Keegan reached across and shook Erin’s hand. “It’s so nice to see you again.” She flourished thestatement, and Julia fought the urge to roll her eyes. Julia stepped across the office and extended her hand.

“Nice to see you again, Ms. Calanis.” As their palms met, Julia couldn’t help but feel a gentle tingle, giving rise to small bumps beneath her clothes.

“You as well, Dr. Jenner,” Erin replied, her voice low and intimate. She allowed her hand and eyes to linger just a little too long. She’s not going to make it easy.

“If you’d come with me,” Julia suggested, breaking the tension, “I’ll show you where you’ll be working for the short-term, and then Keegan will take you on a tour of the school.”

“Absolutely, that sounds great,” Erin agreed, nodding as she unwrapped her green scarf from around her neck.

Julia took the lead, guiding Erin down the hallway lined with administrative offices. Her own was on the right side, just a few steps away. As they approached the door, Julia noticed her thumb involuntarily rubbing against her ring finger again. Dammit.

She held the door open, using the small task to divert her attention from her restless hand. Her office, one of the largest in the building, had plenty of room for two people to work independently. At first she wasn’t sure it would be a good idea–having the potential to be distracted by Erin all day–but it could have its benefits too. After a long conversation to herself–yes, she found herself doing that again–she knew everything would be fine. Hopefully.

“I know this isn’t ideal, but with the recent expansion in students, we’re using all of our classrooms and offices at the moment,” Julia apologized. “I’m working on securing you your own space, but would you mind sharing my office in the meantime?”

“Oh,” she said, appearing surprised, “of course not.”

Julia gestured towards the desk, already filled with pencils and paper, as she placed the folder she was carrying atop it. “You can set up here. Feel free to hang your coat and store your bags. You can come and go as you please, and any meetings I have will be held in the conference room instead of here.”

On the outside, Julia was a mask of solid confidence. On the inside? Everything hurdled at her at once in a hurricane level wind. Was it too late for her to convince Erin she had the wrong school? Was January too early to resign?

“I wouldn’t be imposing?” asked Erin, her eyes not leaving the personal office area Julia arranged earlier that morning, “because I’m more than happy working out of the conference room, too.”

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