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“You’re right,” she admitted. “I’m sorry. We obviously have a lot to talk about, both personally and professionally.”

Distance, she minded herself. They needed distance.

“And I have a feeling this may not be where you want to have some of those conversations, Mrs. Jenner.”

It seemed like a tease, but once again, the word Mrs. throbbed like a fresh bee sting. Erin’s face was caught between a sly smile and sincere hurt.

“That’s not what it sounds like. I mean, it is, but it isn’t. I’m not…” Julia trailed off, not able to finish a single thought. How could she explain that she really wasn’t married when those papers still sat untouched? How could she defend her actions?

“So, there is someone else…” Erin’s voice carried a hint of hope, but how could she? There’s a professional obligation, responsibilities, and their reputation on the line.

“No,” Julia sighed, sounding defeated. “There’s no one romantically in my life.”

She wanted to make it clear. She was not a cheater, and even though nothing could happen between them, she couldn’t bear the thought of Erin perceiving her that way.

Erin’s expression lifted, her body straightening. “Well, that’s a start.”

It was the type of smile that made Julia’s lips part as she pulled her hands to her lap. It felt like when all the lights on a stage dim and only one spotlight remained. It was impossible for a stranger’s presence to feel that familiar, to feel that warm.

“Yes,” Julia replied, and she smiled too. “It is a start, and yes, we can talk everything over at dinner.”

This is a very bad idea. But they had to at least try to be acquaintances, even for a few short months. She could do it. She could fix whatever their situation was.

“You mean, I can take you to dinner,” Erin corrected.

“No. Don’t push your luck! I’m paying. Consider it a welcome to the area dinner.”

“I feel like I was welcomed pretty well.” Erin winked.

Julia genuinely laughed with a hand held over her mouth, and so did Erin. Out of all the people that McSellen could send, she was happy it was someone so easy to open up to. Deep down, she was actually relieved. She felt so nervous for the possibility of a hardass coming in and misconstruing the work they do. For some reason, without even knowing her, she trusted Erin.

“I’m pretty sure you did all the welcoming,” Julia teased.

“I’ll pick the place. I can pick you up at seven?”

“You pick the place? You’re the one new to the area! And pick me up? This is a work meeting, not a date. I can meet you there at seven.”

“But I’m the explorer, remember? I have the perfect place in mind.” She turned, one hand on the doorknob. “Do you not like surprises?”

“In my defense, surprises in my line of work are never good.”

“Right.” Erin grinned again, her freckles stretching upward to her eyes. “I hear management is tough.”


“Well, how can I meet you there if I don’t know where we are meeting?”

Erin approached, positioning herself even closer than before. Leaning over Julia’s desk, she jotted something down on a piece of paper. That silver necklace dangled in front of Julia’s face, and she had to tell herself not to look past it.

Erin’s hair smelled of magnolias on a dewy morning–the scent of early spring kissing Earth–and it took everything in Julia to not watch her as she wrote, to not catch her eyes as she stood. It felt like there was an energy between them, vibrating every particle until it would leave no option other than them touching.

“Here’s my number.” Erin held out the paper. “Text me yours and I’ll reply with the address.”

“Text? You do realize you could just tell me now.”

Their hands grazed each other as Julia took the paper, their fingers lingering just a second longer than accidental before letting go.

“But, then I wouldn’t have your number, and I’m sure down the road there’ll be something important I’ll have to get a hold of you for.” Erin tried to hold back her grin as she walked towards the door. “For work, of course,” she added, just before disappearing down the hallway.

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