Page 23 of Beautiful Villain

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“I’m not malnourished,” I sneer, rolling my eyes.

“The doctor didn’t even have to weigh you to see that you’re underweight. He suggested a carefully monitored diet as well as protein shakes for a while until you get to a healthy weight.”

“What happened to my arm?” I ask, looking at the band-aid that’s stuck to my skin.

“My apologies, I scratched you when I had to crawl under the vanity to get you after you passed out. The doctor disinfected it, and then put a band-aid on to keep it clean.”

“Does your doctor know that you kidnapped me and that I’m a prisoner?” I snap.

“Yes,” Dimitri says simply. “If you’re thinking of escaping, you will find that no one on this island will be willing to risk their own lives to save yours. Every man, woman, or child here is loyal to Lev, Vik, and I. They will not help you and if they try, know they will die because of you.”

Ice fills my veins as I stare up into the unyielding eyes of a monster. “So that’s it. I’m supposed to accept that this is my life now, that we’re apparently fucking married, even though I never agreed, or actually attended a wedding, and I’m stuck here on this island with three strangers just because you say so?”

“That’s exactly what you’re going to do, Malishka, because there is no alternative.”

“Can you just go away, please. I want to be on my own,” I gasp, refusing to cry again.

“I will go and arrange for some food for you. I will accept no argument. You will eat. Do you understand?”

Laying my head back on the pillow, I close my eyes and nod. What’s the point of arguing? If what he said is true, then I’m stuck here. A prisoner with no hope of escape. When I hear the sound of the door closing and the lock clicking into place, I open my eyes and take stock of my body.

The arm the IV is attached to feels slightly numb and cold, but otherwise pain free. The place where the band-aid is stuck to my arm is sore, but not really painful. I have the start of a dull headache behind my eyes, but I suppose if I passed out, I might have hit my head, or it could just be tension from everything that’s happened in the last couple of days. The most terrifying ache is the one I feel between my legs. I’m not sore, it’s nothing like the pain I felt after the one and only time I had sex, but things down there definitely don’t feel untouched.

Fingers shaking, I push my hand beneath the comforter and between my legs, only now realizing that I’m no longer wearing underwear. Probing, I exhale a relieved breath when I’m not sore to the touch and there’s no evidence of any cum having been in or on me—that stuff doesn’t just wipe away. What’s equally terrifying is that my ass is sore too. I have never done anything that involved anyone or anything going near that hole and to feel that I’ve been violated in that way has me shaking with fear.

“What’s the matter? Are you okay?” Dimitri demands, stalking over to me, his hand poised to touch me.

“No. Don’t touch me,” I yell, batting his hand away.

“Stop, why are you upset?”

“Who touched me?” I demand.

“I already told you, the doctor examined you,” he says calmly.

“And did that require an internal examination too?” I snap.

“Yes,” he snaps back. “He performed a full physical, although he suggested we take you to a gynecologist as well, as that is not his area of expertise.”

“What?” I gasp. “He touched me while I was unconscious?”

A smirk tips up the corner of his lips. “Do you have a medical kink, Malishka? Shall I tell you all about how he inserted his speculum into your cunt, how he opened you wide and touched you. What about when he pushed his gloved fingers into your ass to palpate you,” he drawls, his voice dropping to a seductive rasp.

“No, shut up, you sick motherfucker,” I shriek, grimacing as I lift my hands to cover my ears.

I flinch when his fingers wrap around my wrists, gently pulling them away from my face. “Do not hurt yourself,” he scolds.

“You let someone touch me when I was unconscious,” I hiss angrily. “How can I protect myself when I’m passed out, you asshole? How do you know he didn’t do anything fucked up to me?”

“I know exactly what he did, because I was standing beside him as he did it,” he answers.

“You what?” I gasp.

“Dr. Wood works for me, he did as I instructed him to do and only what I instructed him to do. You will learn, Malishka, that I am willing to do whatever is required to keep you healthy and safe. Regardless of your feelings about it.”

There’s a knock at the door and Dimitri stands, marches over, opens it and then returns with a plate filled with an oozing grilled cheese sandwich and a vibrant salad. Placing a napkin over my lap, he settles the plate on top, then gestures to it. “Eat.”

I open my mouth to tell him I’m not hungry, but before I can speak, his eyes narrow in warning.

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