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Allison flushed as she turned away. “I’m sorry.”

“Why? That’s how much he loves you. I’m one of his least favorite people and he begged me to help you. He would do anything for you. You are his one true love.”

“I don’t know what to do with that,” she admitted.

“You don’t have to do anything. My point is you generate strong emotion in people. They want to take care of you.”

“Because I’m weak.”

“Weakness generates pity, not love. Peter would never have begged for me. He didn’t take care of me. Not really. I was perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I still am.” She rose, signaling an end to their meeting. “Love is power, Allison. In every form.”

“You’re confusing me.”

“You’re tired. Get some sleep. I’ll text you in the morning and let you know the time to meet me at the bank.”

Allison stood but didn’t try to leave. “I don’t want the money.”

“I know, but you need it and I’m in a position where I can give it to you. Maybe instead of fighting me, you can just take it and say thank you.”

Allison managed a faint smile. “Make up your mind. First you don’t want me to thank you, now you do. Which is it?”

Erica laughed. “Point taken. I’ll text you in the morning.”


Erica continued to be full of surprises. A week after they visited the bank together so Allison could be a signatory on a checking account with a balance of exactly five thousand dollars, she brought her boyfriend home for dinner.

Mara was the first one to tell her. The older woman had spent a couple of hours with Jackson every morning. They played, and Mara read to him and used a large set of letters to start teaching him the alphabet. This had started on Allison’s second morning in the house. Mara had committed to four mornings a week for “toddler detail” as she’d laughingly called it, giving Allison time to run errands or shower without worrying about Jackson.

Now in the second week with Erica and her family, Allison had a routine. She was sleeping a little better, feeling stronger. The worry still dodged her, but she was getting good at not thinking about all the bad things that could yet happen. For now she and her kids were safe. Even her doctor’s appointment that morning had gone better. Her weight was up, her blood pressure was down and her sugars were normal.

“Killion’s coming over for dinner,” Mara announced as she walked into the kitchen Thursday morning. “Usually she goes to his house or they go out to dinner, so this is a big deal.”

Jackson shrieked and ran toward her. Mara scooped him up and nuzzled his face. “How’s my little man? You look good. It’s sunny outside. I thought we’d play in the yard for a bit.”

Allison continued to load the dishwasher. “Killion is her boyfriend?”

“In a manner of speaking. They have an arrangement.”

“I don’t know what that means.”

Mara smiled as she set down Jackson. “You know, I don’t, either. They go out, sometimes she spends the night. They’re more at his place than here, but Summer and I have both met him.” She lowered her voice. “He’s very handsome and charming. I’ve heard he’s a shark in business but around us, he couldn’t be sweeter.”

Allison wasn’t sure what to say. “I’ll keep Jackson busy upstairs.” Or maybe they could go out for dinner. A fast food place wouldn’t be very expensive.

“Don’t be silly. It’s a family dinner. Killion will want to meet you.”

“Why?” Not only wasn’t she family, but the whole evening had the potential to be awkward.

“He’s that kind of person. Plus, he’s a wonderful dinner companion. You must be there. Erica’s making her famous shrimp scampi. Summer and I have worked out the rest of the menu. We’ll start with homemade bruschetta and a roasted beet salad. We’ll have mac and cheese for Jackson. I’m going to that lovely French bakery in Kirkland for a decadent dessert. There will be wine and—”

Mara wrinkled her nose. “Sorry about the wine mention. Summer’s been researching mocktails. I’ll make sure there’s enough for two. We’re meeting at six.”

The statement sounded more like an order than a suggestion. Allison couldn’t think of a gracious way to refuse. And to be honest, she was curious about the man who had claimed Erica’s heart. She didn’t know the other woman well, but from what she could tell, Erica kept herself a little apart from nearly everyone. She was friendly and kind and knowledgeable, but all with a slightly standoffish quality.

Which was why Allison found herself in the big kitchen at five, helping Summer wash mint and cut cucumbers for their drinks.

“I just throw a few chunks of cucumber into the blender,” Summer said, peeling a three-inch section. “The fresh juice is way better. I read online that ginger beer helps an upset stomach more than commercial ginger ale, which is mostly sugar.”

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