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“What about the car? Is there a payment?”

“No. We own that.”

“Are you on the title?”

Allison stared at her. “I don’t know what that means.”

Seriously? “When you bought the car, did you sign the paperwork as well?”

“I think so.”

“Good. You should always be on the title of the car you drive. Any other debts? You have a phone bill, plus your regular expenses. Is that about it?”

“I think so. I can make a list if you’d like.”

“Not necessary.” Erica stared at the business card next to her pad of paper. She might as well get it over with. “We have a meeting tomorrow with my personal banker. I want to open a checking account for you. It will be in my name so the government can’t seize it, but you’ll be a signatory and the money will be there for your use. At some point your accounts will be unfrozen but until then you need cash. I think this is the easiest way.”

Allison sat wide-eyed. “I don’t understand.”

“It’s a checking account. You must be able to grasp the concept.”

“Hey, don’t snap at me. You’ve had all the time in the world to figure out what to say. My whole life has changed and things are coming at me fast. I’m doing the best I can, but I’m tired, I’m pregnant and nothing about this situation is what I wanted, so maybe you can give me a break!”

They stared at each other. Silence crackled in the room. Erica wondered if Allison would immediately crumble, but her back remained straight, her expression defiant.

Good for her.

“You’re right,” Erica said quietly. “I did snap. I apologize. Let me start over. I want to open a checking account in my name but make you a signatory. I’ll start with five thousand dollars. You’ll have checks and a debit card.”

She paused to meet Allison’s startled gaze. “What you do with the money is up to you. I’m not interested in an accounting of it. If you want to blow the entire amount on a new Prada bag, that’s on you.”

She paused. “I’ll admit I would be disappointed, but I wouldn’t say anything.”

“If I spent five thousand dollars on a purse, you’d better get me to the ER because I’m not right in the head.” Allison slumped back in her chair. “Don’t do this,” she said in a low voice. “Don’t give me the money.”

“You need it. You have things to buy. You need to put gas in your car. The bank will notify me when the account dips below a thousand dollars and I’ll put in more money.”

The other woman covered her face with her hands and began to cry. “Don’t be so nice to me. Just don’t.”

“Why? Do you speak badly of me behind my back?”

“What?” Allison raised her head. Tears still trickled down her cheeks. “Of course not. The only person I talk to about you is Summer and I’d never say anything mean about her mother.” She wiped away the moisture. “I try not to talk trash about anyone.”

“An admirable quality.” And one that made Erica tired. “Let’s be real.”

“Because until now things haven’t been real?” Allison sniffed. “Sorry.”

“No. Don’t apologize. Your instincts are good. You have the ability to be strong, you just never take the next step. Actually you back up. Let the snark hang out there. Give the other person time to realize you’re someone to be reckoned with.”

“I can be reckoned with? Where do you come up with that?” Allison’s voice was exhausted. “I’m barely able to get up in the morning. The only reason I’m not homeless is my husband’s first wife is giving me a place to live. I don’t have a job or income. I’m the definition of powerless.”

Erica dismissed the words with a flick of her fingers. “As long as you believe that, it’ll be true. You have resources and powerful friends. That’s a form of power. You have the ability to be loved. Summer adores you. More power.”

“You think I’m manipulating Summer? I’m not.”

“Stop jumping to the worst possible interpretation of what I’m saying. My point is my daughter loves you enough to give up her bedroom and share a room with your son. You are the kind of person other people want to love. That’s a form of power.”

She hesitated, not sure if she should speak the truth, then decided, what the hell. “Peter begged me to help you. When I saw him in jail, he went on his knees and begged.”

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