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But the other woman’s look of shock and revulsion quickly assured her.

“No,” Erica said flatly. “God, no. I’m doing this because of Summer. She’s my family and you’re hers. That means we are, in some inexplicable way, connected.”

“I appreciate all that you’ve done for me,” she began.

Erica held up a hand.

“No, just no. You’ve thanked me enough. We need to be done with that. The situation is weird enough without you feeling you have to genuflect every time you turn around.”

“I wasn’t planning on genuflecting,” Allison said. “Maybe a little bow now and then but not an actual genuflection.”

She spoke without thinking, then immediately wondered if she’d been too flip. Only Erica’s lips began to twitch and Allison found herself starting to giggle. Soon they were both laughing hard enough to bring tears to their eyes.

“I feel better,” Erica said. “I hope you do, too.”

Allison nodded, suddenly sleepy. She yawned. “I think I’ll go up to bed.”

She reached for her mug, but Erica got there first. “I’ll take care of these. You go get some sleep.”


Allison made her way to the stairs. As she climbed she thought about what had just happened. Erica was nothing like Peter had described. Even more surprising, Allison found her very kind and likeable. An unexpected revelation. But reconciling what she’d been told and what she’d observed for herself would have to happen at another time.


Erica spent most of Sunday at work. She usually tried to spend the day with Summer, but given the changes at the house, she’d thought it would be easier for everyone if she absented herself. She’d gotten home around five, in time to help with dinner. Mara had joined them and Jackson had been the star of the meal. Afterward, they’d all gone to their separate corners, so to speak.

Monday morning Erica walked into the kitchen to find Summer fixing hot cereal for Jackson.

“Hey, Mom,” her teen said with a smile as she added warm water to the small bowl. “Allison’s still sleeping, so I thought I’d take care of this guy. She needs her rest.”

Erica was torn between pointing out that Jackson was Allison’s responsibility, not Summer’s, and mentally agreeing that the other woman was close to collapsing from exhaustion.

“You need to get going or you’ll be late for school,” she said instead as she glanced at the clock. “I can feed our little man.”

Summer handed over the bowl and spoon. “Great. Thanks. He likes a little banana mashed up in the cereal, and then he gets milk.”

Summer gave her a fast hug, kissed Jackson’s cheek, grabbed her backpack and flew out of the door. Erica turned to the toddler.

“Good morning,” she said with a smile. “Did you sleep well?”

Jackson waved his arms as he grinned. “Rika!” That was followed by several nonsensical sounds, delivered in a tone of great importance.

“I hadn’t heard that,” Erica replied, stirring the cereal. “But it’s good to know. This is rice based, by the way. Very tummy neutral.”

She was just mashing in a little banana when her mother walked in.

“Good morning,” Mara said, walking directly to Jackson and pulling him into her arms. “And good morning to you. How do you feel? Did you sleep well?” She sniffed him. “You need a bath. We’ll do that after breakfast. Are you hungry? I’m starved.”

Jackson waved his arms and kissed her cheek, mumbling something that was probably toddler for I’m happy to see you.

She expertly settled him back in his high chair and took the bowl from Erica. “I’ll do this. You’re dressed for work and I’ve discovered this one is a messy eater.”

“Thanks, Mom.” Erica crossed to the coffeepot and poured herself a mug. She held it up. “You want one?”

“I’m good.”

Her mother pushed the high chair close to the table then took a seat. She checked that the floor mat was in place to catch the inevitable spills before handing over the bowl and spoon. Jackson immediately scooped up the cereal and managed to get most of it in his mouth.

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