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“He did well with his accounting business. His clients and employees all like him.”

Allison forced herself to stop talking, not sure why she felt the need to defend her husband, who was currently sitting in jail.

“I’m sure they do,” Erica murmured. “You’ve been working in a grocery store. Summer mentioned it.”

Allison flushed. “Part-time. I used to have a great job at a day care co-op, but they fired me after Peter was arrested.”

“What? They can’t fire you for something your husband did.”

Allison explained how Liz had been supportive at first, but then had told Allison they couldn’t take the risk. “She was worried the other parents would pull their children out of the day care and go somewhere else.”

“That’s ridiculous. You had nothing to do with Peter’s business. You didn’t work there. It’s not even community property—he owned the business before you met. She can’t do that. We should talk to a lawyer and get your job back.”

Allison found Erica’s energy gratifying. “You’re very kind, but I’m not interested in going back. At least not until after Bethany is born. Maybe then I’ll take on Liz. Earning credits by working there allowed me to have the second job and not have to pay for day care. With two kids, I couldn’t afford it any other way.”

Erica sighed. “The childcare situation or lack of affordable childcare is ridiculous. I was lucky. When Summer was little my mom helped, and I took her to work with me sometimes. Sometimes I hired a local teen to babysit. But not everyone has that option.”

Allison knew she didn’t and thinking about that was depressing.

“I’m sorry I didn’t know about Twisted,” she said.

Erica smiled. “It’s all right. I can see why Peter didn’t tell you and Summer wouldn’t mention it because she would assume you knew. How did you and Peter meet?”

Despite her exhaustion and the stressors in her life, Allison smiled.

“He rescued me,” she said, then laughed. “I was working at the grocery store. Peter was a regular. We would chat a little, but I didn’t think anything about it. One night I got off work at nine, as per usual, and my car wouldn’t start.”

It had been cold and raining and her car not starting had seemed like the end of the world. She’d been lonely and missing Levi and totally lost. Someone had knocked on her window.

“Peter asked if he could help.”

“I never knew Peter was good with cars.”

Allison grinned. “He’s not, but he called a tow truck, then he waited with me. He insisted on following the tow truck driver to the dealership, where we dropped it off, then he took me home.”

She held up a hand. “He was a perfect gentleman. Nothing happened. He didn’t even ask for my number.”

Erica’s gaze was unreadable. “But he was at the grocery store the next day.”

“He was. He asked me out and I said yes.”

What she didn’t say was that while they’d been waiting for the tow truck, he’d made her laugh. Just a little, but it had been the first time she had laughed since losing Levi. Peter had offered her hope. He’d been a few years older and not the most exciting man in the world, but he’d been steady and he’d fallen hard. His loving her had allowed her to finish healing, to open her heart again. Without realizing what had happened, she’d fallen for him, too.

“And that was that. We started dating, then we fell in love. He proposed and you know the rest.”

“That’s a lovely story. I’m glad he was there to help you when you needed it.”

“Me, too.” Unfortunately that was no longer true.

She pushed away her mug. “I can’t believe he’s been arrested and is in jail. How could that happen? He won’t tell me anything and I’m so scared.” She looked at Erica. “If he really loved me, he wouldn’t have done this. He would have kept us safe. I don’t know anything anymore.”

Erica’s expression turned kind. “The man loves you. Trust me on that. He’s an idiot who made some really bad decisions, but he loves you.”

“You can’t know that.”

Erica looked away. “Yes, I can. He told me when I went to see him.” She looked back at Allison. “He asked me to help, to take care of you. If you knew what he really thought of me, you’d realize what it cost him to make that request.”

Allison didn’t understand but wasn’t sure what to ask. “You’re helping me because of Peter?” Her stomach knotted. What did that mean? Was Erica still in love with her ex-husband?

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