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“It’s nice to have friends.”

She said the words fully expecting a sarcastic response, but Erica only shook her head. “We’re too different. We have nothing in common.”

“You and I don’t have anything in common and we managed to make it work.”

Erica surprised her by smiling. “You’re wrong. We have Peter in common. Sort of.”

“And look how that turned out.”

Allison spoke the words lightly, as if saying his name didn’t hurt. Just then the team walked out onto the field, everyone stood and cheered, and the subject was dropped. But the little stab to her heart lingered.

She was brave enough to tell him she wanted a divorce and smart enough to be furious at how he’d upended their lives, but she couldn’t turn off her feelings as quickly as she would like. Yes, his actions had gone a long way to killing her love for him, but it wasn’t fully dead yet and she knew she would always regret how things had ended.

Summer’s team was ahead by enough runs that the game ended after five innings. Erica had a feeling the parents in the stands were cheering that as much as the victory. They all went onto the field to congratulate the players. While Allison was hugging Summer, Erica felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see Crystal behind her.

“Oh, hi,” Erica said. “Great game.”

“Could I talk to you for a second?”

Strange, but okay. “Sure.”

They walked toward the stands. Once they were away from the crowd, they faced each other.

“I didn’t mean to be rude before,” Crystal said, not quite meeting her gaze. “About Allison. I was just so surprised.”

“That we’re friends? She lives in my house.”

“I know and that’s part of it.” Crystal looked directly at her. “I don’t know how you do it. All of it. The business, raising a great kid. That’s enough to make all of us hate you, but then you took in your ex-husband’s second wife. And you didn’t just let her live in your house, as you put it. You’re friends with her. I could never do that. If Braedon and I split up, I’d want to kill whoever he married after me. Or at least maim her. I could never be so gracious or forgiving.”

Erica smiled. “I appreciate the praise, but don’t make what happened more than it was. I didn’t want Allison to move in. I only did it because Summer guilted me into it. The friendship thing...” She glanced over at Allison, who was talking to Summer’s teammates. “That just happened. Neither of us expected to like the other.”

“You can downplay it all you want, but you did an incredible thing.” Crystal paused. “We’re having a potluck Friday night at my house. The team and some of the parents. I’d like you to come. You and Allison.”

The invitation was a surprise. “Are we the entertainment?” she asked dryly.

Crystal laughed. “Only for the first few minutes, then it’s just friends hanging out.”

“Can we bring a toddler and a newborn?”

“The more, the merrier.”

“Then we’ll be there. Does taco salad work?”

“It’s perfect.”

They walked back into the crowd. Erica hugged her daughter.

“You did great today.”

Summer grinned. “I caught the final out. That’s always exciting. Okay, I’m going to go grab my stuff, then I’ll meet you at home.”

“Hey, aren’t you going to celebrate with your friends?” Allison asked.

“That’s for Friday. There’s a potluck. I’d rather be home with you guys tonight.” She looked at Erica. “You doing all right, Mom?”

Erica held in a groan. Ever since she’d told Summer about the breakup, her daughter had been checking in on her.

“I’m totally fine.” Which she was, except for missing him.

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