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“You know you’re not going, right?” Allison asked, which earned her a sharp glare.

“I’m worried about Summer and someone saying something mean.”

Allison understood her concern. The social media frenzy had died down, but hadn’t gone away completely.

“She’ll be around her friends and she’s a strong young woman. She’ll get through it.”

“I know, but still.”

“You worry.”

Which was so Erica-like, she thought. On the outside she was tough, standoffish, even, but on the inside she had a soft emotional marshmallow center.

“Prom will be good for her,” Allison said. “She’ll have a lot of fun. Donovan will take care of her.”

“He’d better.”

Erica pulled into the athletic field parking lot. Today was the softball team’s final game of the season. Allison had pumped breast milk so she could be away from Bethany and join Erica to cheer on Summer and her friends. Mara was looking after Bethany and Jackson, and even though the other woman would take good care of her children, Allison still felt odd about leaving them behind.

Just as uncomfortable was her bare left hand. She’d taken off her wedding set the night after she’d told Peter she wanted a divorce. In a few weeks, she would sell the rings and put the money in her day care fund for when she went to beauty school.

They got out of the SUV and walked toward the stands. There were dozens of parents and other supporters heading in the same direction.

“I didn’t know the team pulled in such a big crowd.”

“There aren’t usually this many,” Erica said. “There are more people showing up for the last game.” She paused and glanced at the stands. “If you’re not bothered by heights, we should head up to the top. We’ll have a great view.”

“Works for me.”

They’d just started up when someone called out to Erica. They both turned. A pretty blonde woman headed toward them.

“Last game of the season,” she said. “We’re so excited.” She laughed, then lowered her voice. “That they’re going to be over.”

Erica smiled. “It does get long. Crystal, this is Allison. Allison, Crystal. She’s one of the softball moms.”

Allison started to say hello but stopped when she saw Crystal’s stunned expression.

“But you’’re...”

“Summer’s stepmother?” Erica said briskly. “Yes, she is.”

Crystal flushed. “Oh, right. Of course. Nice to meet you.”

“You, too.”

“We should get to our seats,” Erica said. “Good to see you, Crystal.”

Allison followed her to the top of the bleachers. When they were seated, she said, “I shouldn’t have come.”

“Of course you should be here. You wanted to see the game. Plus except for going to the doctor, you haven’t been out of the house since Bethany was born.”

Allison glanced to where Crystal was in a very intense discussion with two other women. “They’re talking about us.”

“Their lives are small. Ignore them. I do.”

“But you want to be friends with them.”

Erica stared at the empty field. “I don’t need them in my life.”

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