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She turned and walked away.

“Allison. Allison!”

She ignored the shouts and kept walking. She didn’t have to worry about him coming after her—the guards would never let him get away.

Erica stared at the large bouquet of flowers on her credenza. They’d been delivered two days ago, but they were still fresh and beautiful. She’d tucked the card that had come with them in her desk, but she didn’t have to get it out to know what it said. She’d memorized the words.

I won’t pretend to understand your decision, but I will respect it and you. I miss you. Always.

He hadn’t called or been in touch. He’d only sent the flowers. It was a very Killion thing to do. He didn’t invade her space, but he let her know what he was thinking.

Always. What did that mean? He would always miss her? He would always love her? The latter was completely unacceptable because she didn’t want or need his love, but still she wondered.

He’d left a bigger hole than she’d anticipated. There were no funny texts, no quick calls, no delicious meals, no nights in his bed. She kept herself busy—easy enough to do with four salons and all her personal commitments—but she was always aware he wasn’t there.

The door to her office opened suddenly and her mother stepped inside.

“Where’s Killion?” Mara demanded. “I was finishing with a cut and I realized how long it’s been since he’s been over. His business trips are always only a few days and he wouldn’t go anywhere else without you.”

She started toward the desk, then stopped when she saw the flowers. Her mother frowned.

“Did you fight? I can’t imagine him messing up so much that he needed to send those.”

“We didn’t fight.”

“Then what?” Her mother settled across from her. “I’m done for the day so I can sit here for as long as it takes.”

Erica didn’t know what to say. Okay, sure, she could tell the truth, but that would cause her mother to lecture her and she just couldn’t handle that right—

“Dammit, Erica. You broke up with him.”

“Maybe he broke up with me.”

She expected her mother to snap at her, but instead Mara stared at her with what could only be described as pity.


“A little before Allison had Bethany.”

“That long?” Her mother sighed. “What set you off?”

She thought about protesting she didn’t have to be “set off” to make a decision about her life, but knew there wasn’t any point. Mara knew her well enough to see through any lies or pretense.

“Everyone thinks I’m in love with him and I’m not. He’s convenient, nothing more. I don’t care about him.”

“But you still miss him.”

An excellent point. “He’s like a habit. I’ll get over him.”

“Do you remember when your father left?”

The shift in topic was unexpected. Erica thought back to that time. She’d been young. Barely nine. One day he’d been there and the next he’d been gone. She’d been so confused, so scared and had missed him desperately.

“I cried myself to sleep for nearly a year,” she whispered, remembering the pain.

“So did I.” Her mother shrugged. “I knew he was a player and not the type to be tied down, but I thought I could change him. I thought what we had was so special that he would want to be a part of it forever.”

“But he didn’t.”

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