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“It’s easy to forget how they start out. You were once that small.”

“I’ve seen pictures, but even so, it’s hard to imagine. Were you scared when you brought me home from the hospital?”

“Terrified. Your grandmother stayed with us for two weeks, which made all the difference. Although when it was time for her to go, I cried and begged her to stay.”

Summer grinned. “That will be me one day.”

“You’re planning on having kids?” Erica asked. “You’ve never mentioned it.”

“I’ve never not wanted kids. I’m sixteen. I’d like to wait to think about it for a while.”

Erica touched her shoulder. “I promise I won’t try to guilt you into having grandbabies. I’d like them, but it’s your life. You have to do what feels right.”

Summer sat at the kitchen table. “I want to believe you,” she teased. “But I’m not sure you’ll be able to hold back.”

Erica settled across from her. “You’ll be amazing. But speaking of having babies—”

Her daughter’s eyes widened. “We weren’t. Not really.”

Erica ignored that. “We need to get you into your doctor for your annual. While we’re there, let’s talk about getting you on birth control. There are a couple of low-dose options that are easy for a young woman your age to manage.”

Summer’s eyes widened and her cheeks flushed. “OMG! Mom, what are you talking about?”

“Birth control.”

Summer looked around, then lowered her voice. “Stop saying that out loud.”

Erica hid her amusement. “So I should text the words.”

“I don’t know, but you don’t just say that stuff in front of people.”

“Allison’s upstairs and Mom’s out with Jackson. It’s just us mice.”

“Ugh. Does anything bother you? I don’t need to be on—you know.”

“You don’t now, but things change. Better to be protected. I know they cover this in sex ed, but to be clear, birth control doesn’t protect you from STDs. That’s a whole different topic.” She paused. “I’ll get you some condoms, too.”

Summer’s blush turned scarlet. “I can’t believe you said this. We’re not talking about this. It’s too humiliating.”

“It’s just sex and staying healthy.”

“For you!” Her voice was a shriek. “I’m sixteen. You’re my mother! You’re not supposed to know about sex or do it or talk about it. You’re just not.”

Erica couldn’t help smiling. “You shock me. I thought you were so together and mature.”

“I am. But not about—” she lowered her voice “—that.”

Erica patted her hand. “I see we have more work to do on this topic and this really isn’t the time. In a few days when no one’s around we’ll a have a heart-to-heart. In the meantime, try to avoid contact with a boy’s penis.”

Summer sprang to her feet and threw up her arms. “Stop!”

“Saying penis?” Erica couldn’t hide her amusement. “You’re weird, kid. Should I call it a pee-pee? Is that better?”

“Why do we have to talk about it at all?”

“Because most girls like to play with them and they can be dangerous.”

Summer covered her face with her hands. “Fine. We’ll talk. Just not today when anyone could walk in. Please. I beg you.”

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