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Erica lowered her voice to a mock whisper. “Sometimes new moms are cranky.”

“I’m not cranky. I’m overwhelmed. I can’t believe you did all this for me.”

“Not just you,” Erica pointed out. “Actually very little of it is for you. Most of it is for the kids. When did you get so self-centered?”

Allison managed a shaky smile. “Thank you.”

Jackson watched her cautiously, then tugged her hand. “My woom.”

“Is he stringing words together?” Allison asked as she wiped her face. “Are you learning sentences?”

He beamed at her, then pulled her to her feet and went across the hall. Allison started toward the room he shared with Summer, but Jackson pointed the other way. Erica hurried to catch up with them.

“Yes, well, we were at the baby store and there was a sale and things got out of hand.”

“It’s Mom’s fault,” Summer said cheerfully. “It was her credit card. I’m collateral damage, so you can’t blame me.”

“You’re throwing me under the bus.”

“You taught me to put on my own oxygen mask first. That’s what I’m doing.”

Allison stared at the half-closed door. “What did you do?”

“Oh, it’s just a picture or two, and the odd rug,” Mara murmured. “A bit of furniture.”

Allison pushed open the door and gasped. Jackson ran in and flung himself on the low toddler bed in the shape of a race car. The bright primary colors of the bed were reflected in the racetrack carpet on the floor. The windows were covered with checkered-flag curtains. There were bookshelves, a tiny desk and a toy box that looked like the car engine.

“How did you do this?” Allison asked in amazement. “I was only gone three days.”

“Everything was already on order,” Erica told her. “The setup took no time at all.”

“It kind of happened right after you went to the hospital,” Summer said. “Yesterday Jackson took his nap in here. We thought that would be the best way to start him in his toddler bed. Just naps. In a few weeks, when he’s ready, he can sleep in here at night. I can leave the bathroom doors open, so he knows I’m right there.”

Allison hugged the teen. “You’re so amazing. Thank you.”

Summer smiled. “He’s my brother. I want to be a part of everything in his life. Plus by the time he’s ready to sleep here all the time, you’ll want the crib for Bethany. Everything works out.”

Erica saw Bethany stirring. “I think she’s waking up. Is it time for a feeding?”

Allison smiled wearily. “She eats every two hours. It’s always time for a feeding.”

Mara distracted Jackson with the promise of a game in the yard and took him downstairs. Erica took the car seat into Allison’s room and put the newborn on the bed.

“You going to be all right?” she asked.

Allison nodded. “I’m a pro. I’ll be down when she’s asleep.”

“Why don’t you get some sleep yourself? We’ll wake you for dinner.”

“I need to spend time with Jackson.”

“We’ll keep him busy for as long as we can, then we’ll wake you.”

Allison glanced longingly at the bed. “I know I should be strong, but I really need sleep. Thank you.”

Erica and Summer walked out, closing the bedroom door behind them.

“This is so great,” the teen said as they went downstairs. “Bethany’s tiny. I know Jackson was small, too, but it feels like a long time ago.”

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