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“You’ve annoyed it right out of me.”

Allison struggled into a sitting position. “You have no right to act like this. Your life is perfect. Fucking perfect. You have everything. I’m homeless and pregnant and my husband’s in jail where he’s going to stay for a long time.”

Her voice rose with every word. “He’s not here. He’s not here! He’s supposed to be with me and he’s not and I don’t know when he’s going to see his daughter. He did horrible things and he broke me.”

Allison covered her face with her hands and began to sob. “He broke me,” she repeated. “There’s nothing left.”

With that she collapsed on the bed and turned away. Another contraction ripped through her, causing her to gasp and writhe, but she didn’t cry out.

Erica stared at her friend. She was at a genuine loss as to how to deal with what Allison was going through. Obviously everything had hit her at once and having the baby come early had pushed her over the edge. So what was the solution? Loving support or yet more tough love?

She circled the bed and pulled up a chair, then got in Allison’s face.

“Don’t you dare say he broke you,” she said, her voice soft but forceful. “Don’t you dare. He doesn’t get to break you. He’s a weak, cowardly asshole who fooled both of us. You didn’t do anything wrong. All this is on him. All of it. But you know what? You’re going to get through it because you’re strong, you’re smart and you’re not going to let that poor excuse of a man mess up your life. You have two babies who need you and you’re not going to let them down, either.”

Erica took her hand and squeezed her fingers. “I’m right here and I swear to God, I’m not going anywhere. No matter what happens, I’m here. We’ll figure it out as we go. First, you need to deliver Bethany. The rest of it will take care of itself.”

More tears spilled onto her blotchy cheeks. “What if she’s not okay?”

“Then we’ll deal with that. Both of us. You and me. Honestly, is there anything you think I can’t do?”

That earned her a faint smile. “You’re not that spectacular in the kitchen.”

Another contraction claimed her. Allison whimpered as she squeezed Erica’s hand hard enough to snap bone.

“I would think the epidural would be working by now,” Erica muttered when the contraction passed and she could pull her hand away and massage it.

“I think it is. This is just the extra pain.”

“Yet another reason I’m glad I stopped with just the one kid.”

Allison stared at her. “I’m so scared.”

“I know and I’m right here. Even when you’re pushing out poop and other gross things, I’ll be telling you what to do and staying through it all.”

“I miss him, which makes me a fool, but I do.”

Erica was less sure what to say to that. “You’re going to have quite the story to share with him when you finally see him.” She touched Allison’s head. “It’s going to be all right. I promise.”

“I’m holding you to that.”

“You should. I’m someone you can count on.”

Allison shuffled down the corridor toward the NICU. She was sore, she was exhausted and she was alone. After Bethany had been born, when the doctor on duty had assured them that while the newborn would need a couple of days of extra care, all signs were good and she should be going home in about seventy-two hours, Allison had insisted Erica leave and get some sleep. Erica, being Erica, had protested, but had finally agreed with the understanding she would be back in a few hours.

Allison had tried to rest herself, but she was on call for feedings every two hours. She was going to try to get Bethany to breastfeed, but if that didn’t work, she would pump her breast milk so her baby girl had the best start to her new life.

She stepped into the entrance to the NICU and smiled wearily at the nurse.

“Reporting for duty,” she said lightly.

“Right on time.”

The nurse got Allison settled in a large, comfortable padded chair with big arms to offer support. Bethany was brought over. She looked good, with plenty of color and a shock of brown hair. She was getting oxygen and being kept warm, but other than the monitors attached to her, she looked like any normal, albeit small, newborn.

The nurse pulled several curtains so Allison had privacy as she opened her robe, exposing her left breast. She settled Bethany in her arm, shifting her so they were skin-on-skin.

“Let’s see if we can get her to latch on,” the nurse said quietly. “If not, you can pump, so there’s no pressure.”

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