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“Yeah, you got a point.”

“Shouldn’t you be getting ready to do some bullfighting?” Shane said, remembering that Taylor said his numbers weren’t good enough for him to be competing today.

“I’ll suit up,” Taylor said. “But I’m not on the roster. I had hoped to be riding today.”

“Well, you know how Murphy’s Law is,” Shane said. “Someone will need you somewhere. If you’re looking for some extra work, Pat could use a hand with the bulls tomorrow. I’m headed back to Montana for a few days.”

“Is everything all right at home?” Taylor asked, concerned.

“Yeah, I just need to talk to my dad and brother about a few things in person.”

Taylor got a crafty look in his eye. “Does this have anything to do with an offer?”

Blevins told Shane to keep this hush-hush, and Shane didn’t want to jinx anything, or worse start a rumor. For all he knew, his father would put his foot down and demand to keep supplying all of the other rodeos instead of going UPRC’s exclusive contract.

Shane just shook his head. “I don’t think any of the breeders have been finalized yet.” That was safe enough to say. “Now get the hell on out of here. If I catch you back in here again, I’m going to have to report you to security.”

“All right,” Taylor said. “That’s fair.”

“But if you do want to get some practice in,” Shane said. “Let me know. We might be able to arrange something.”

“I appreciate that.”

Chapter Ten


The kittens were too tiny for her to risk giving them a sedative for the flight. But luckily, they weren’t fretting because they had full bellies. She and Shane made it a point to keep their fingers through the holes of the carriers when they were allowed to have them on their lap after take-off. Although, she had to steady his when he fell asleep.

It was fun to take a last-minute flight to another state. This wasn’t something that she got to do very often. Usually when they traveled, she was the driver. And she certainly never had a handsome man sitting next to her—even if this handsome man was snoring his fool head off.

She nibbled on a cookie and watched out the window of the airplane, fretting a little bit about whether the change in cabin pressure would affect the kittens.

“Don’t worry, guys,” she said. “Once we get you to the Viking Ranch, you’ll be at your forever home. There will be lots of food, mice, and people to love you.” At least, she hoped so. To be honest, she didn’t know how his family had reacted when Shane told them there would be four more mouths to feed. But the Viking Ranch had a stellar reputation and who didn’t love kittens, really?

Still, she was a little nervous about meeting his father and brother. Would he introduce her as his girlfriend? Were they even boyfriend and girlfriend? She would like to be. Reba did catch the bouquet at LeAnn’s wedding after all. Of course, she had to elbow Dolly in the tit in order to steal it away from her.

Shane woke up about half an hour before landing. He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. “I can’t wait to show you around the ranch,” he said.

“I’m looking forward to it, too.”

“I’ve got to warn you, though, my father can be a little abrasive sometimes.”

“That’s okay,” Reba said. “So, can I.”

Because they had only carry-ons and the kittens, they deplaned and went right out to grab a rental car.

“I don’t suppose you want to stop at a liquor store for a bottle of whiskey to give me a little liquid courage?” she asked.

“Not that you’ll need it,” he said. “But trust me, there will be a full bar available for you as soon as we get to the house.”

They made it to his ranch in record time, but Reba was exhausted. She didn’t think she could handle a big family thing right now. But it didn’t look like she was going to have a choice. Shane’s family was waiting for them on the porch. His mom and dad stood up as they came up the driveway. A pretty woman with red hair and freckles and a younger man who had to be Shane’s brother were there, too. The redhead came bounding down the stairs and took one of the cat carriers from Reba. “Are these the kittens? I can’t wait to see them.”

“Hello to you, too, Lainey,” Shane said.

“Right,” Lainey said, flustered. “I’m Lainey Evans.” She held out her hand to Reba. “I’m a big fan of your sister.”

“Hi, I’m Reba Keller.” Reba remembered Shane telling her that Lainey was his brother Rick’s long-time girlfriend. “LeAnn’s something else, isn’t she?”

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