Page 9 of Needing Her

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“How long are you back in Kentucky for?”

“I’m not sure. I’m not really happy in New York. I need to decide what I’m going to do. I’ve made enough money that I can take my time doing that. Being home is nice,” she says with a shrug. She’s not really giving me an answer, but I think she probably doesn’t know herself.

“I’ve traveled a lot for the club, but I’ve never seen myself anywhere but Kentucky. My dad always said the mountains get in your blood and I’m pretty sure he’s right.”

“He is. New York has a lot of different landscapes, and some of it is gorgeous, but it was never the same as home.”

“Thanks for inviting me out. I wasn’t ready to go home just yet.”

“Surprisingly,” she laughs, “I’ve had fun.”

“I have too. You won’t believe me, Thea, but I’ve missed you.”

“You’re right, Dom.”


“I don’t believe you.”

She cackles and I join in, shaking my head. “You can’t resist busting my balls, can you?”

“You make it too easy.” She smirks, sucking on her straw to take a drink of her soda. Her eyebrow lifts up in a silent dare when she looks at me.

I just laugh, holding my hand up in surrender. “I’m not going to argue with you. I’ve had too much fun tonight.”

“You mean you’re not going to try and get the last word in?”

“Not at all.”



“I think I’ve just witnessed a miracle.”

“Smartass,” I mumble.

“I’m serious. Maybe you have changed after all.”

“Everyone changes,” I point out.

“This is true,” she agrees.

“Where did you go just now?”


“Your whole mood changed. Are you okay?”

“Just thinking about things. I told you, Dom. I came home to evaluate my life and figure out what I wanted.”

“Any ideas?”

“Not a damn one,” she admits with a sigh.

“On that, I can relate.”

“What are you reevaluating, Dom?” she asks softly.

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